
Starred for stationery, but reluctantly, because ugh Karlie and Taylor

Always doping truthers.

The whole Cilvia Demo is free afaik Patrick, and well worth checking out.

This has got to be up there with the worst transit ideas of all time.

“The fact that I have the time to sit around all day slapping these image macros together while I disparage others for not working hard enough contains no irony whatsoever.”

If you need a hint to get an obvious joke, this website might just not be for you, mate.

I have to say though as a young designer, there’s an element of pain that comes from reading Jalopnik every day. Student loans and weak compensation mean I should probably be paying more attention to Tavarish posts instead of laughing at them.

Don’t bother, it’s not representative of how the field has ever looked, and while it paints this heroic image of the architect, it’s also wrapped up in typical Randian bullshit.

Are we all going to have to append our race as suffixes under Imperator Trump I (, White)?

People’s lives are worth more than dogs’ lives. Sorry the dog died, but there’s also a reason flight attendants tell you to put your own mask on first. It’s not like he left his kid in the car, chill out.

Hey remember that time a sitting Congresswoman was shot by a crazy guy with a gun and that didn’t change anything? We don’t live in a reasonable country.

Zipcar has all sorts of makes and models, at least here in the northeast. Need a van for a family trip? Or even a cargo van, for a move? Zipcar. Need a city car to get from the office to the warehouse and back? Zipcar. Just fill ‘er up when you’re done and park in the designated spots (which are everywhere).

Not one of them with good hair.

This is an elite comment.

Au contraire, the red key would disable the turn signals entirely.

Did you read the post? The photographer guy made up a profile using the real Deja’s name and probably photo so that he could sleep with these girls. He probably figured women would be more comfortable taking directions from a woman.

Maybe the people who don’t get it are on mobile and can’t see the embedded tweets? Otherwise I don’t understand how you could miss the conceit. This was well-executed.

Would it not be a fair implication from my previous comment, that as a fan of the genre I obviously want the better examples to rise to the top? It’s not controversial. I’m going to stick with despising ugly, untrue opinions because it’s possible to want both.

Nah dude it was obviously high art when the stones did it, it’s clearly different...because...reasons.

This is undoubtedly true; however maybe I can only speak for myself when I say I try not to make sweeping generalizations about things I clearly don’t know much about. I don’t really know much about metal, for instance, because I only ever listen to it if my friends do. At most, what I can say is that I don’t like