
1) Rappers have used just about every luxury car marque under the sun in their lyrics, but yeah sure it’s about ease and simplicity.

Sometimes you’re reminded that even though all these blogs fall under the Gawker umbrella, some readerships are decidedly less with the times than others. These comments, yikes. Really, in 2016 we’re still doing the “rap is just angry yelling, hurr durr” thing?

Up here in NE we have three variants:

Crows are the best and smartest birds. I hope you keep your (wrong) opinion of crows to yourself, because they remember faces and can communicate to each other about people they don’t like.

One of my favorite tweets is the tweet you tweeted about this bird. Good bird, and good tweet.

Reporting for duty. This is absolute bullshit. I get it, people hate us, but come on. Memphis? Nashville? And this will go nowhere, but as someone who’s spent quite a bit of time in Philadelphia, Philly has nothing that Boston doesn’t have, but better.

Not the least bit odd. Denton said they plan to appeal, and the number one rule of appealing a verdict is to not make public statements about that verdict. Expect them to either be exceedingly brief or make these little wisecracks if they mention it at all.

Members of the Guilty Remnant confirmed.

This is the buried lede which kept me moderately interested in this story. Good find.

Pretty much all private schools are rich kid clubs (poor kid who went to private school here).

That’s untrue. I suppose it depends on your style but Scandinavians and Germans are fairly well known for at least that last century and a half or so for quite outstanding architecture, especially some of the Modern and contemporary stuff.

I will second Leslie’s recommendation—I ended up watching all of it Sunday night by accident (by ‘by accident’ I mean I started and couldn’t, and wouldn’t, stop myself).

That was almost too good.


With the caveats that convergent evolution is a thing/ automakers copy a lot from each other/ people see what they want to see,

Yours is better.

Am I to understand that Paul Cambria married a woman named Paula? And that they are now Paul and Paula Cambria?

Can’t win. No one wants to believe the post is written for him, so you get either people saying it’s stupid and no one needs it, or they attack the author for making it gender-specific. But let’s face it, she wouldn’t have written it if we were all capable of sparkling, balanced conversation.

Respectfully disagree. You’re right that the kind of rubric or guide, “perform x behavior for y result” isn’t incredibly helpful. But I think with this piece Charlotte isn’t giving instructions per se, so much as explaining pretty basic principles of human interaction that the people who need it most might not already

I really gagged though.