
Jesus, can Doug let the others get a word in edgewise? One of the things about being a host is that you shouldn’t interrupt the guests over 50% of the time they try to talk.

I’m from Boston. UMass will suck forever, but did I vote for it anyway? You bet.

Please make a bingo card so we can all play along. But be careful, some of us have work on Friday.

You’ve been unfollowed, my son. Must’ve said something they didn’t like very much.

This will go horribly and I’ll love every part of it.

I know nothing of boxing but these are super entertaining reads. Good stuff.

Black guy is the Vinci chief of police. He works for/with the mayor and is Ray’s former boss.

I don’t think so. That guy was already a cop back then. He’d only be in his 20s now, maybe early thirties at most. Burris, who killed Paul, was a young gun and probably saw the diamond job as a chance to break into the big leagues. The son has to be younger than all of the main characters, and the daughter, even

Last week I thought the jeweler’s kids were the Chessani kids, but they revealed it last night, I think: the daughter is Caspere’s secretary who disappeared and quit her job early into the season (I think she’s a production assistant in that ripoff of Mad Max that they were filming in ep 3 or so). She’s also one of

Biggest surprise of the season was that to my chagrin I actually cared and felt sad about it. But then, I was a few beers in.

Walking is really hard, you guys.

I’m from Boston. He definitely did it and destroyed his phone, on purpose. Like, come on. I think it’s obnoxious when people don’t cop to these sorts of things.

Those poor dead saps didn’t realize that that was the point: the park’s theme was that good guys with guns are necessary to defeat dinosaurs...with...guns?

“Why aren’t black people outraged about black on black crime?” —no one who has ever genuinely tried to find out what black people actually feel and do about black on black crime but still think they are making a serious point.

Just saved me about $20 and a few hours.

You made me do research on the internet to understand this joke. Begrudging +1.

I must agree, you make very beautiful cars. Maybe it would be better if Alfa just made them as sculptures to look at instead of transportation you have to rely on.

This whole series of comments has been terrible. Probably you are not an English speaker, so you might be forgiven for making such a lame and dated reference.

You’re fighting the good fight. Some real mouth-breathers in that thread.

That under $30k car discussion was less than smooth, but I imagine it’ll get better with time. Doug is working to do the host thing, Travis was all right, but Aaron man. Let’s hope things improve when the discussion isn’t about his father’s WRX.