Usually I hate the explanation that a woman who doesn’t like another woman is jealous...but I think jealousy is behind much of this fight.
Usually I hate the explanation that a woman who doesn’t like another woman is jealous...but I think jealousy is behind much of this fight.
THIS ^^^^^
adult child syndrome, he’ll do whatever takes the least amount of work, including marrying someone who treats him like shit.
something fishy about it
Magnificent carp need only apply.
That calendar turned out swimmingly.
I Yet Again Was Not Asked to Model for This Erotic Carp Calendar, But I Was Sent One
Came here to say the same thing. No wonder these guys can’t make it in Hollywood. They’re terrible.
Because she is the sharpest tool in the VR shed. Ariana is perhaps tied for 1st with her, but is stable/in a low-conflict love relationship/boring so Stassi was needed to liven things back up. Stassi has not been “betrayed” lately so she needed to “create” a little sizzle, but failed. Sobbing,“Ariana comes out of the…
Gahhhh I felt horrible for Scheana too! And I never thought that possible. Also, knowing the impending doom of her marriage was upon her while throwing this surprise party for her husband (who looked less than enthusiastic to be at his own party BTW) - made me feel SO BAD.
They seemed pretty proud of themselves up until the episode aired.
Stassi absolutely did sound like a middle-schooler, and not even a well adjusted one. Her stomping through that house and lying on the floor of the bathroom, sobbing, was painfully embarrassing to watch. Honey bunny, when you make Jax Taylor look normal and reasonable, it’s time to reevaluate.
My brother is incredibly allergic to cats but wanted us to keep ours anyway, so we gave them baths every couple weeks. It was a tremendous help for his allergies.
Yes that’s why I didn’t give them as examples, we do share 97% of the same DNA. I’m speaking of humans worldwide.
The animal kingdom is rather brutal and violent as well.
I cried this morning at work when I read that she had been evacuated. Then I went into the bathroom and sobbed in the stall because yesterday a tv journalist reported on a 5 year old child in Syria who was in surgery WITHOUT ANAESTHESIA. He was reciting verses of the Quran out loud to withstand the pain.
Where are all those Russian-apologist commenters who were saying she was a false flag? You fuckers should be ashamed of yourself. Assad and Putin have committed mass murder.
After several false starts, evacuations for civilians from the bombarded city of Aleppo began on Monday, and among…
If men could menstruate, they’d brag about how bloody their periods were and equate masculinity with a heavy flow. If men could menstruate, they’d use it as a reason to ban women from being in combat because only men would know what it’s like like to bleed and suffer.