
I’ve been upset and sad about a bunch of the celebrity deaths this year, but this is the first time I’ve been just straight up sobbing. I just don’t want this to be true.

Also, unfriended a person I knew from college who was making fun of people caring about her as Leia. Okay, assface, we get it that you’re above Star

My mom had her first heart attack in her mid fifties. She had been on multiple courses of prednisone over the years due to respiratory issues, as well as cortisone injections for heel spurs. Anything with a -sone is not great for your heart.

Meanwhile people (including here on Jezebel) are shaming Carrie for her dog being “fat”.

To me anyway, at the time, OJ was a lovable, handsome, famous football and movie star. He wasn’t seen as menacing. So I sort of think they were trying to pick someone who could pull off those qualities, so the audience could see, at least to one point, how a jury could possibly ever have a doubt he was guilty.

Exactly. Frenchies come in all shapes and sizes, Gary looks like he is the right weight for his height and breed.

If you look at the video on TMZ of it running at the hospital it doesn’t look *that* bad.

I have a dog who eats everything and is still the thinnest member of our family. I also have a cat who has had her diet restricted more and more because she is either obese or knocking on obesity’s door, but I can’t cut down her calories any more without worrying about her being malnourished. She’s still a fatty who

Her brother reports she’s in “stable” condition.

He’s not really though. I have frenchies and they are just dense af. Mine range from 19-36 lbs and they’re all muscle in tiny twig legs. If mine sat like that she’d look obese too but she’s not (perfect in fact per the vet).

I feel the exact opposite as you do. People Vs. OJ was amazing - Cuba’s performance included. I kept thinking how much energy and commitment it would take to act those freak-out scenes post murder. And it didn’t bother me in the slightest that he’s shorter or not as buff as OJ. Who cares!? And the writer mentions

I’ve been seeing this take about Cuba as OJ, and I just have to disagree.

I wasn’t watching the show to see OJ. I was watching the show to see the dramatization of the trial and its inner workings. Cuba as OJ was really secondary, especially after the chase was over. I also think, on a meta level, casting Cuba worked

You lost me at Westworld and Arrival. Both phenomanal. You cray cray!

Or “Opinions Are The Facts Of The Future”

This article could just be called “I’m getting older”. I know what it feels like, it is happening to me too.

oh for gawds sake. Please show me all the legions of white woman who like this humorless woman?

Taylor is a rich man’s daughter, too, Tomato.

Perhaps it’s the fact you only seem to know male actors. But Mara has been twice nominated for Oscars sooooo the problem? Is you.

Where do you think the name “Rooney” comes from? It’s the other side of her family.

TaySwi family are huge banking scions. Her dad infused a huge amount of money into a bankrupt label that ended up signing her.. So yeah in both cases rich dads led to rich opportunities for their kids.

Yeah, my brother is a big cat fan. He currently doesn’t have one himself because his landlord doesn’t allow it, but he and my parents’ current cat are basically bonded. His super congested/super sneezy/super in-need-of-a-daily-inhaler self doesn’t care; he cuddles and nuzzles that cat all the time.