
You really should make the division of working dog breeds and companion dog breeds, then between work lines and show lines in every such breed.

Yes, with the added benefit spice of people shaming Carrie for an affliction of perceived obesity in her dog on jez too..

They’re being absolute assholes. There is no reason to inject Gary the Dog into this beyond hoping he’s being cared for in Carrie’s absence and it’s such douchery to equate perceived obesity and to wish them “health together” in the next year. Even if obese, Gary the Dog hasn’t had a heart attack nor has he been put

And I have no doubt that you really care about dogs, but there’s a time and a place. Preaching to someone at what can very well be their deathbed about their perceived failings in dog parenting is not the place nor the time. Stop being and asshole and stop using Carrie’s heart attack to profit and promote animal

That is really sweet of him. It’s a very difficult situation to be in and this was a very happy story! :-)

Not that I don’t agree that Mara needs all the criticism, but I don’t think she deserves to be conflated by Joe Wright. She said herself:

That’s super interesting to hear. None of the people are actually allergic to cats, they just have an accumulative effect on their individual allergic thresholds. So it’s super interesting to hear it has effect on someone who has an actual allergy to cats! Your brother sounds like a champ. I know so many pet owners

It’s just my compulsion that kicked in, chimpanzees suck and I cannot stop myself. The second point was more to that this sort of point usually comes up in context of of abroad and it kind of taps into the delegitimization of foreign struggles for democracy, self-determination and on. It began with protest for

The person is being awful, but to be honest some apes are very vicious and do most definitively things out of spite and greed. Chimpanzees are not beautiful animals and can be very, very cruel. But it’s important to remember that sadly people fought this war also for survival, their way of life and for democracy. It

The poor kid. Supply lines are difficult to establish so some patients who get it are treated with subpar anesthesia.

Indeed, Ravioli actually is very acquiescent. and most cats will try to climb out if you pull them close to your body

You’re absolutely right, it does seem like it and Ravioli does have a face structure very reminiscent of it Devon rex.

Some breeds needs to be bathed to wash away the oil that accumulates on their body. Especially sphynx but also some Devon Rex cats and Cornish Rex cats need them too. (It kind of looked like one, but I haven’t been around enough of them to definitely spot them. the fur looked a little off). Outdoor cats might also

I don’t really know about Trump’s intentions. His position on China is very incoherent and it’s embodied in the platform too. If we posit that there’s a capable player somewhere in Trump’s team, then it shows real commitment to ending Chinese ambitions and territorial claims in the South China Sea which the Republican

I don’t really get your last paragraph. It reads as a bit incoherent to me, so please don’t be offended if I misinterpret it. Firstly, it’s about how MC felt and how MC interpreted it. It’s not really about Swinton, and I don’t see why MC should conjecture about what affirmation Swinton gets from the people in her

I don’t think the problem is that MC thought it was weird, it’s that she misrepresented what happened. So her criticism becomes disingenuous or weakened. Like what is in these threads (and your comment too) is way better commentary than what MC. I don’t think it puts it up there on the fake hijab hate crime incident

I think the problem, for me, is that it brought the more it into the culturally exploitative camp. They exploit an Asian setting, but did not invest in the careers of Asian actors. Benedict Wong, who is British Chinese and wonderful, barely gets screen time. Etc. But I do see that Marvel was in a difficult situation

This is so accurate and wonderfully articulated! Trump just doesn’t get that he isn’t in NBC anymore. The television bubble is burst and his actions have real consequences.

I don’t think Trump will get it. Just as I don’t think he gets that Chinese actions towards Taiwan also can be minted towards him. “His”the Republican platform literary reads:

I think that Trump will be the “bread and circus” to Pence’s actual administration.