It really does look like a rex. If you see a close up of his face you can see his whiskers short like some Devon Rexs (plural of rex?).
It really does look like a rex. If you see a close up of his face you can see his whiskers short like some Devon Rexs (plural of rex?).
Ravioli must be used to it, because he looks practically blissful compared to my botched attempts (which usually had to do with bad fleas or cat getting into something stanky).
Certain breeds of cat do require bathing. Sphynx cats as well as the Selkirk Rex are two that require it. Mostly its the breeds that lack the coarse ‘overcoat’ of fur that most breeds have. The softer undercoat will trap oils and pick up dirt if it doesn’t have the overcoat to protect it.
He commented on the Facebook post of the video that it is a breed that requires bathing.
My guess is that it’s a breed specific thing. Ravioli looks like a Cornish Rex. Maybe the Rex, like the Sphynx breed, do indeed require regular baths.
Do I want to sleep with him or steal his cat?
To be honest, on kardashian articles I find it kind of hard to tell. There are longtime Jezebel commenters who are usually incredibly naunced and thoughtful, but who let all of that go out the window if it’s about a Kardashian.
Funny how some people expect Blac to just stay and put up with any kind of treatment from Rob because ... scammer.
Jeez, do people actually get this? Trump will be sworn in. He will be our president. We all need to grow up and start protecting ourselves instead of getting distracted, or thinking that the electors will vote him out, or that he’ll die, or that a fire cataclysm of death will rain upon the land before January. Shit…
Patton has been knocking it out of the park lately.
True story. I think perseverating over Trump’s *haha* minor fails is like taking a break from a dense textbook to read a stupid gossip mag. A little light junk food fare for the mind to keep it from exploding.
December 19, 2016
I cannot for the life of me get why people don’t get this. This isn’t looking for a minority mentor. This is someone deliberately misrepresenting a conversation for attention and advocate street cred. She threw a colleague (in the loosest sense) under the bus when that colleague didn’t deserve it. She got called out…
Major props to Tilda for releasing the conversation too.
Wait, what? Swinton knew and respected Cho’s work, knew that she had a strong opinion on the issue, and asked to be put in touch to understand Cho’s point of view.
I think she is more like Kathy Griffin, comedy-wise, and thus only funny a small percentage of the time.
Margaret Cho has always been someone who lies for attention. She’s like if Marc Maron were a woman. It’s too bad because she is incredibly talented.