
Thank you :-)

It’s all about the race to have called the condemnation of it as p r o b l e m a t i c first.

The West or Europe was not colonizing China in the 11th century which this movie is purported to be set. This was the high point of classical Chinese civilization, technology and science. The Song dynasty was the first government in world history to issue banknotes/true paper money nationally and the first Chinese

But the problem is that they’re creating all this negative media for a movie without any actual story, just clickbait. Which is in a way erasure because they’re drowning out the actual voices of Zhang Yimou, Tian Jing, Andy Lou and on, the promotion they wanted to create and the viewing experience they wanted to

It’s also PoC erasure, because this is the kind of negative media that discourages segments of people from watching the movies. They’re creating it even without watching it. So the film does not get revenue from their watch, they don’t know if it’s warranted criticism or not and they’re discouraging other people from

And create negative media about non-white people’s movies so that they’re saved from watching non-white people acting and the non-white actors, directors and companies from creating movies and revenue.

I don’t know if it’s very constructive to dissolve the distinction between inattention and negligence. A lot of the anecdotes here are fairly innocuous and more in the spectrum of inattentions (the case covered in the article sounds even beyond willful negligence). And they aren’t really necessarily defect. Some

It should be made into a Klingon insult. It actually sounds very childish but very soft in Swedish. Like a character from Astrid Lindgren’s children books - Tove Lo, she’d be a perfect playmate in her Karlsson on the Roof series.

Yes, her birth name is Ebba Tove Elsa Nilsson. 

It absolutely isn’t wolf, but could be a reference to the lynx which is called lodjur (lynx+animal). Hence the Eurasian Lynx becomes europeisk lodjur and on. All animals belonging to the genus are called lokatter (lynx, cats).  

But not with China. If there will be war, then they’ll probably just lure us into a proxy war (probably with North Korea) and have a program in place to benefit from it.

Peace my friend. It isn’t China who will nuke us. They’ll just step off North Korea, let the reins go and allow them to nuke us (or the Pacific Ocean in a botched try). They get to victimize us (by proxy), keep the high ground and the excuse to expand into the Korean Peninsula.

Or for someone to man the cash register?

Bitchmedia and truth out, seconding Mary sue

Do that apply for me when I say those women are not putting the welfare of actual children first? Because my first foster mom sabotaged two adoption matches for me because she was “against” transracial adoptions. I had to stay with that woman who didn’t love me or care for me and who used the DCFS on her biological

Paper allies are not real allies. You keep conflating real allies with fakers, profiteers and poseurs. I’m not interested in the inflation of meaning in the term “ally” to include them. They should be called out for what they’re

I chose to read is as ass-kicker. No, nothing has been achieved by coddling white allies and calling them out to improve their allyship. In this case, you called out the dangerous implication of their too ambiguous statement and they clarified. With the clarification provided by your engagement their point did make an

You sound like an unwitting enemy to me. Everything you just wrote will just exhaust any support from our allies and isolate us. This is not the time to enforce an arbitrary purity tests on our allies, based on a flawed understanding of white nationalism, but to proselytize for more.

The blame game on this site comes from a place of pain and hurt, and the fact that a lot of allies actually do listen. It’s not very productive. To take a personal example of redundancy. I’ve used much time to highlight the problems in white feminism, but the election showed that the problem is not white feminist but

I volunteered for both Sanders and Clinton, respectively in the primary and in the general, and what I found to be true for the “Bernie Bros” or the sub-group of Bernie supporters criticized here (I am not referring to the disparaging/denigrating overgeneralization that also occurred. Conflating all Sanders supporters