
Do you think it would have helped if she’d chosen a different VP pick? Maybe someone who had a stronger appeal to the “populist moment” or someone more dynamic? Distrust is always a recurrent theme in criticism of Clinton, would it have helped to have had a VP pick that showed clearer commitment to important aspects

While I am not dismissive of this being a contributory agent (not as much that Hillary wasn’t their best option, most definitively, but that she wasn’t heard by them sufficiently, probably to some degree of class but also sexism, racism, religious intolerance and on), I think the ones going really hard and reductively

To be honest, in retrospect, white women did vote somewhat as to be expected but not as hoped for. As a whole they voted for Trump and the group to be expected to vote against him (educated white women) did vote against him and for Hillary with a small margin. The group I’m most disappointed in was young white women

I don’t think we can just reduce it down to the white working class men. If we’re to talk about any “really” in this regard we probably should be talking about their communities. Obviously, their wives and children must also have had considerable turnout.

It shows a profound lack of solidarity, true empathy and compassion. What we heard on Tuesday was I/me/myself from white America. An America that was placated by Trump’s “promise” to do something about the inner city. The ones at my job, who afterwards said I was playing the race card when I tried to communicate why

What about white women? They were expected to come out for Hillary, but they voted in every way - with the exception of higher educated white women, for Trump?

Way to be divisive. There has been so many double standards in this election, but this is not a “double standard”, just your unsupported supposition of one in an unrealized feature.

**Hugs** We’ll fight our way back. Thank you for the eloquence I cannot find for this. Your words were beautiful.

Kara! On a different note, might I try to nominate a case to the shade court. Apologies if it’s an obvious bogus case. Did China shade the US. While other world leaders have swallowed their integrity, gritted their teeth and said they’re looking forward/will work with Trump explicitly, the Chinese representative said

We need to stay active in those two years too. Two years are plenty of time for Trump to fuck us over. Example: Trump is a climate change denier. He can earliest, through seceding UNFCCC, abandon the Paris-agreement in 20.01.2018.

There is only one possible explanation then: rabies.

wtf is wrong with them.

It certainly feels like a denial of presenhood

Do you have any numbers for young white women? And educated white women?

I went straight to depression, I just cannot muster the energy for the others.

I’m co-opting number 1 and 2.

Thank you, **hugs**

This world is dead to me.
