
I believe it was the German Juggalo Freddy Neetzchy who once wrote “He who surveils clowns might take care lest he thereby become a clown. And if you gaze for long into a circus, the circus gazes also into you.”

Yeah, anyone who forgoes the second shot for fear of side effects should get a punch in the face as a side effect of not getting vaccinated. You took the time to get the first shot, just get the damn second one already.

He’s just pissed because he can’t openly say that word he really wants to say.

Oh yeah, it’s absurd. It’s so absurd, in fact, that the police themselves will tell you to disregard the orders of police officers if they will put you in danger (like driving to a well-lit area).

This all has a Harry Potter universe photograph feel to it.

I get that we should adopt a combative attitude towards Democrats because they are meant to represent us, I absolutely blame Republicans for all this.

I’m really tried of people giving Republicans an out, like they’re some blameless fucking idiot. Like some of you guys sound outright mad that Democrats

Just because it gets hard again doesn’t make the memories of hearing “is it in?” go away.

I’m sorry, not even then.. for the ENTIRE duration of their shift, the cam needs to be on.. lunch breaks not withstanding, and while I don’t have any desire to see anyone dealing with their biological functions, the cam is NOT going to show THEM.. its pointed outward so it will show the room they are in and hear the

Looking at the top image, I think that translucent orange plastic thing in the upper right is a paper storage compartment that attaches to the back of the paper feeder, similar to most tabletop credit card readers.

that’s why we have 3D printers... 

that’s wildly inappropriate, do you have her number?

Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.

So many things to STILL say with this case.

He’s terrified that he just killed the whole idea of a grand jury in these cases, because it’s clear that the police force uses it to their benefit regularly, and don’t want to lose one of their most powerful tools in avoiding accountability.

The new reports are saying he was on supplemental oxygen before being taken to Walter Reed. They also note that Trump is highly hospital-phobic, so he must have the ‘rona BAD if he agreed to go.

There’s too high a percentage of sociopaths and idiots within our society for this to be a viable model, I’m sorry.

A great joy of mine is knowing that all of them secretly hate one another and that the only reason they are doing any of this is for the money (well, besides Stephen Miller). What a lonely and empty existence, its like people making their own hell-loops in Lucifer.

Republicans don’t give a shit about kids that aren’t their own. Many of them probably don’t even care about theirs too.

This would be a more accurate 3D model but whatever..