He’s just pissed because he can’t openly say that word he really wants to say.
He’s just pissed because he can’t openly say that word he really wants to say.
Oh yeah, it’s absurd. It’s so absurd, in fact, that the police themselves will tell you to disregard the orders of police officers if they will put you in danger (like driving to a well-lit area).
I get that we should adopt a combative attitude towards Democrats because they are meant to represent us, but...no. I absolutely blame Republicans for all this.
I’m really tried of people giving Republicans an out, like they’re some blameless fucking idiot. Like some of you guys sound outright mad that Democrats…
Just because it gets hard again doesn’t make the memories of hearing “is it in?” go away.
I’m sorry, not even then.. for the ENTIRE duration of their shift, the cam needs to be on.. lunch breaks not withstanding, and while I don’t have any desire to see anyone dealing with their biological functions, the cam is NOT going to show THEM.. its pointed outward so it will show the room they are in and hear the…
Look...Ian...I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I say this as a fellow progressive who has tried to get people to vote for Bernie twice in a row, and this isn’t directed at you specifically but at the group you are currently representing with this article...but please, shut the fuck up.
So many things to STILL say with this case.
He’s terrified that he just killed the whole idea of a grand jury in these cases, because it’s clear that the police force uses it to their benefit regularly, and don’t want to lose one of their most powerful tools in avoiding accountability.
The new reports are saying he was on supplemental oxygen before being taken to Walter Reed. They also note that Trump is highly hospital-phobic, so he must have the ‘rona BAD if he agreed to go.
There’s too high a percentage of sociopaths and idiots within our society for this to be a viable model, I’m sorry.
Give Colin Kaepernick an apology, restitution and a job.
Imagine how fucking awful you have to be in order to get Texas Republicans to say “that racist conspiracy theory is too much for us.”
It’s the mindset of psychopaths.
Any Reasonable Person: “Guys, you can’t terrorize and murder unarmed Americans.”
Strange thing is, if anyone knows the first thing about prominent white nationalist leaders it’s that they get in trouble for domestic violence so. fucking. often. that it becomes clear that they’re not trying to rescue white women from abuse as much as they want to establish a monopoly on it.
I cannot decide what part of this upcoming election is going to be funnier: Trump being unable to hold his usual Klan rallies/campaign stops because of this pandemic. I mean not that fear of catching this virus would stop his unwashed, brain dead cult from flocking to a closed in space to breathe on each other but the…
The worst part is that Cumming isn’t some vestige of Dixieland holdouts. Most people have MOVED there in the past 20 years in order to get cheap housing within commuting distance (if you consider a 1hr+ drive “commuting distance”) of Atlanta. These are middle-class folks who have access to TVs and the internet, which…
There were articles all over the internet and Twitter today about how The South will be hardest hit by this virus and people started the usual stereotypes about The South. These people were shouted down by those saying we were being unfair about making rash generalizations about our neighbors below The Mason-Dixon…
The interesting thing about the show too, is that while it contains some of the usual exploitative anime tropes, it actually portrays the sex industry and sex in general in a very positive light. Everyone is consenting. Everyone is (mostly) having fun.