Battery Tender Unnecessary

Agreed. Nuance is lost. “I am right. They are wrong.” Repeated over and over.

This article is unbearable, and might finally be the tipping point for me to leave this site. AI art is a tool. Saying it spits on “real animators” is short-sighted, and reeks of people that refuse to adapt to the times, like anyone saying that Photoshop, filters, or digital animation weren’t doing “real art.”

The article is just drenched in outrage. This is on par with the kind of burn-it-all-down writing you find in response to a tweet about how maybe a 25% tip for take-out is a bit much.

“That new Marvel film had two dudes holding hands in the background. Also, why does everybody in Wakanda need to be black? Your permit to repave the parking lot at Animal Kingdom has been denied because you’re too woke.

Full self driving is just not going to happen. The only way it would be close to working is if every road were designed with built in communication, sensors, and transmitters. All roads were shielded from the elements. Humans outside of cars could not access said road. and every car communicated directly with all cars

some people take their discard pile seriously.

It’s amazing how many people are still unaware of the Streisand Effect.

Hey now! Kevin McHale wouldn’t have played a kid in a wheelchair on Glee if he knew “what we know know”. This is a joke because we know everything we knew then now and I’m making the comparison to what you just said.

I’m not insulting you with this snark I’m insulting Evangeline Lily* Even two years ago any sane person

It’s an amazingly deep and fun game. My 9 year old and 15 year old daughters are having a blast exploring. Even my 43 year old wife, who doesn’t play games at all, loves going around and collecting things, opening up the map, etc. The long and short is, it’s probably one of the best, biggest, most fun, and most

-co- signed, your Auntie

This is your mother speaking and honey, it’s just not attractive on you. Any of you. 

if they put a risk in their safety, yes

if they aren’t i am saying exactly that

I swear to god, it’s the fucking whining that gets me, ever time.

There is absolutely nothing anti-vaccine about calling out pharmacy companies for their bullshit. This is a terrible take, shame on you.

Considering they have no qualms hyping cars they may not build or sell for 5+ years.

The car flipping on C&B really grinds my gears. It’s not just the slimy practice of the flippers, but that Doug took his car nerd enthusiasm and credibility and parlayed it into a medium that has enriched him and warped the market for cool cars that shouldn’t have become so exclusive or unobtainable. Don’t get me

Can Mercedes also drop the suppository design language along with the EQ naming? Just a suggestion.

“regular cars” seem to still have $5,000+ markups but I am hearing from all over that luxury vehicles Lexus, Mercedes ect are selling for sticker right now.  What a time to be alive to be excited to buy something for MSRP. To be fair tho car manufacturers are offering a lot of equipment even on the base level cars

I think you should stay away from AGI and just focus on the vehicle price.

The number of things affecting AGI is already too high when you can’t consider the market of their AGI. You create an unfairness to those who live in a HCOL area that are probably already struggling due to the HCOL.