Battery Tender Unnecessary

I can’t handle that people still parrot the “neural nets” and related nonsense language. The Emperor really has no clothes here. It’s almost all 100% fabricated, in the sense that nothing Tesla has is any different that any other manufacturer’s adaptive cruise control system. There is no secret room at Tesla filled

On Her Majesties’ Secret Bromance
Chill Another Day

More gatekeeping by crybaby artists who are making false claims and lies about how AI works in order to garner sympathy and outrage culture. Their art is not stolen, it’s not even used in any piece. To say that the computer looking at millions of different pieces of art from all over the world to train it on what

I agree on all points but the “no one wants to live with one day in and day out” part. I think if you polled actual C63 buyers, most would want the V8 given everything else being equal. Just a guess though. 

It’s ‘free’ on GamePass, if that helps you.

I suspect that on the PS5 Returnal takes heavy advantage of the insanely fast storage and the GPU’s direct access to the SSD. While an NVMe SSD in a PC gets close, the SSD in the PS5 is still faster. To mimic the insanely fast SSD of the PS5 the game is loading more assets into RAM instead. The DirectStorage API in

You’re very loud and one-note in your indiscriminate condemnation of AI art. Which in some ways, makes it cathartic to know that AI art is here to stay. It is a bigger technological evolution than going from pen and paper to digital was for art.

I agree that the FTCs theory appears pretty thin, but two things from what I have seen:

I mean, if “provides gender affirming care to trans children in consultation with a doctor” is sufficient evidence of abuse to take people’s children from them and throw them in jail, Cruz probably deserves the death penalty for this.

Been saying that for years.

Carve this rule of autonomous vehicles in stone:

I would buy this car if it came in full EV form. I’m not buying any more cars with an internal combustion engine, PHEV or no.

It really does look great. However, why not offer a fully EV version? With those aerodynamics it should get excellent range.

On the one hand, kotaku’s breathless anti-ai art bent is really tiring, but on the other hand: good.

This is effectively a non-issue as the cybertruck is not a real vehicle and will likely never be produced.

Keeps crashing on the first cut-scene for me on the Steam Deck. After lying down and going to sleep, it has a load page, then a pan down to the castle. Crashes every time for me no matter what settings I try.

Ran when docked. We know what we’ve got !

This game is generally getting some pretty good reviews, but I don’t mind seeing a different perspective. I’m not sure it’s for me either way, but it sounds interesting on paper. 

just a tactic to get people to buy before Sep. 5th, basically artificially boosting their 3rd quarter profits in an attempt to raise Tesla stock. How has the SEC not cut Musk’s head off yet?