Not the fastest thing, but still certifiably insane.
Not the fastest thing, but still certifiably insane.
I heard that the Chevy aero kit was faster but they suspected the Honda guys were sandbagging.
F1 decided to slow the cars down and make it more of a driver event in terms of down-force and the slightly mad number of things that can be changed during the race. I'm always astonished at watching someone like Lewis modifying various parameters between corners and often talking on the radio.
Its heat distortion, trust me
air = gas =~ liquid
And not only is it trying to gulp more air than it can consume, it is going fast enough to push and collect the air in front of it to cause that high pressure bubble causing the optical distortion.
This is the correct definition of both "daily drive" and "old car."
Do you mean since Monday and Tuesday? If so, then no, nothing has.
Well, at the time Ford didn't make a manual that could handle all of the torque, so 3-speed auto it was!
Sounds good, Target PR representative
There is absolutely nothing on a Model T that can break that you can't fix with sand paper, 1/2", 3/8", or 7/16" and a hammer. I own a '25 and it's the most brutally simple thing on the planet to work on, if you can change the oil on a modern car you can build a T from scratch. Also, parts are incredibly cheap and…
Basic idea is correct. More specifically, there's pretty much always two things happening at the same time.
As an owner, I assure you, that isn't the case. I just took ownership of one after it sat for 25 years, I cleaned the contacts on the coils, changed the oil and it fired right up. I'm now restoring it from chassis up, and I can honestly say, disassembling the entire car into individual pieces is easier than doing a…
Yep, racing is one arena where Fix Or Repair Daily applies to all teams, not matter what make they're running.
Those puns are pretty stagnant.