
I see your two-tone and raise you a three-tone (including...that's right...Brown). With the wheels does that count as four-tone? The wheel color is called Vermillion, so not technically Orange but we'll count it. That's 3 out of 10 on one car. Not bad Henry Ford.

"Release the hounds! He's run off in my mobilomobile!"

whoa. crazy similar.

DON'T set your BMW of fire

The key is to not get trapped there to begin with. You can't always count on the government to be there to salt and plow or tow you out. If it's going to be bad out, stay home. Call in to work, leave early, etc. Don't wait for a state of emergency to be declared and then everyone head out into a storm en mass.

Not to repeat myself constantly, but if you read this article and think that it's a really great time to bust out that rape joke you've been saving up, don't. There's absolutely nothing funny about a situation where a woman was raped and then killed herself because of a failed system. Don't be so fucking evil.

In B4 Obvious: Citroen DS

I'm just going to leave this right here:

Land Rover Defender 90

What can I say? I'm a Range Rover person, no matter how much money will go into it.

Series 1 Land Rover

You went full Ferrari... Never go full Ferrari

As an attorney, I have a talk like this with a client 2-3 times a month.