I prefer him fired. Fired is so much more satisfying than resignation.
I prefer him fired. Fired is so much more satisfying than resignation.
I think it’s gotten to the point where you could just say “Clinton sent an email” and people would react as if it said she was taking bribes.
There’s nothing to indicate that these were Clinton’s emails.
There were 10 whole words in that tweet! You could hardly expect him to read ALL of them.
The Tiffany-Ivanka scale is probably how he rates other women, too.
I honestly somehow keep thinking that election day is this week, and whenever I remember that it’s next week and we have to live through another entire week of this entire shitshow I get incredibly despondent.
Always the Tiffany, never the Ivanka, eh Chris?
As someone who’s sisters had a much closer relationship with our Dad than I did, I thanked my lucky stars when I realized what an ass he was.
I’m curious why Subway didn’t part ways with Fogle upon getting multiple complaints about his behaviours. Seem obvious, no?
chris’ life isn’t perfect because liam is the hotter hemsworth.
I was once pregnant with a third kid who would have been a total accident (thanks BEER), and I kind of thought it was hilarious until I miscarried. My brother was an accident. My younger cousin was an accident. We all know these things. Nobody seems damaged by this knowledge. I think it’s a bigger insult to be the…
Sure it is. Accident ≠ mistake. I was an accident and couldn’t care less. I actually think it’s a fun back story.
Yes, it’s ok to me. Being the product of an unplanned pregnancy is not inherently negative and it doesn’t mean your parents don’t love you.