
I take solace in the fact that Darren Rovell is working hard to figure out what type of car Boeheim was driving.

He was initially charged with reckless driving but after review it was determined the guy wasn’t set and the call was reversed. 

not a good start for bernie’s campaign 

Fucking thank you. Everyone else here seems to think they’re about women demanding luxuries instead of basic healthcare choices. 

I’ve told the story of the time my grandfather had to be called at work to be reminded that it was his birthday and thus anniversary, right?

Does he think porn is real?

Whatever you think of his take, you have to acknowledge that Bill Simmons’s history definitely gives him a position to criticize a person for trying to lure talent away from another organization to join his own.

Catch the ball, take a few exploratory dribbles, sink back again, cast around for something, and settle for nothing.

Man. First the other good teams and now the refs living rent-free inside Embiid’s head.

Girl, you must be tampering because you have  “fine” written all over you. 

In this case, “unsportsmanlike conduct” is cover for “Dude, we can’t afford to replace that ball, and we only have this stadium until 7pm!

It’s tough to see the Raps move on from Jonas but it does have to be said that while he was a big, sweaty European, he wasn’t the biggest, sweatiest European. 

He doesn’t owe us an explanation.

welcome back

I don’t get it.  Did she then cook it on high for 4 hours?

This game was the Super Bowl LIII halftime show of Super Bowls.

Whereas a rando homer signing up for a burner account just to make it clear to everyone that he’s completely missed the joke is extremely original and cool.

No, not our beloved captains of industry. 

Now you’ve gotten the full Ashley experience.

If he’s such a great prognosticator, then why didn’t he open the broadcast with, “Everybody should just go to bed right now, because in a few hours you will all want to kill yourselves.”