
Rest in Piss

This is exactly why I don’t play in the summer league.

*sad trombone music*

I blame the government. Who expects old white people in Florida to comprehend intersectionality?

So he’s not buying the Marlins either?

I wouldn’t call it a “disaster.”

The thing about shit-talking Waiters is that sometimes they spit in your food.

“Shank latest to be KIA in third month of Price-Media War.”

Honestly, if the biggest feud between David Price, Chris Sale and the Boston media is “Big Dave occasionally likes to yell at people for no reason” that’s like best case scenario for the Red Sox.

Hayward Prefers ‘Tics Over ‘Eat, ‘Azz

This is why rebuilding in the East is going to be a challenge for the Bulls, making the playoffs is almost unavoidable.

Is it possible that everyone just hates Ainge and the Celitics so much that they would rather make a bad deal with a different team? Is that all there is to it?

Maybe the Pacers didn’t ask the same price of Boston that they did of OKC.

I’ll star it even though you just copied me!

Now playing

I am SHOCKED that the Clippers hate Rivers.


The greatest trick Phil Jackson ever pulled was to convince James Dolan he wanted to stay.

I look forward to chowing down on (local foodstuff and/or national fast food chain) when I get to (city)

Sticking it to the Jets is more of a Sharks thing though.