
Zatanna is too generic. Doesn’t look like Zatanna. This could easily be the design for a supporting cast member of any low budget Canadian procedural show that gets repackaged by SyFy or the CW. What’s stopping this basic design from being “David Ayer’s Selina Kyle” aside from the magic aura and the glowing eyes? If

Yes. Coincidence. Abe and the Asset are both variations of a monster archetype established by The Creature From The Black Lagoon. Dracula is a vampire. Spike is a vampire. No one says Spike is just a Dracula rip-off because GUESS WHAT THEY’RE BOTH VAMPIRES!!! That’s how this sounds.

No. It’s very, very obvious that BOTH OF THEM are heavily inspired by the Creature From The Black Lagoon but I guess the nostalgia train doesn’t go that far back, even for people in the comments section of a site presumably all about sci-fi and fantasy.

Did you see Superman II? I’m curious as to what you think happened to Zod after Clark broke his hand and then threw him into an ice wall.

Please keep Bruce Timm the hell away from this. I do not want to see his erotic fan fiction done in live action. It’s bad enough that it was animated.

That’s not what it is. It’s more like “The Creature from the Black Lagoon movie that Del Toro wanted to make and wasn’t allowed.” He’s made it clear over and over and over again that this is deliberately NOT Abe, it’s not pseudo-Abe, it’s not faux-Abe, it’s not Abe PERIOD. Why people continue to ignore the ACTUAL

I actually found a shot of Superman BEFORE they removed the mustache.

Remember the dirt rising from Clark’s coffin at the end of Batman v Superman? You know, that thing that was not only never acknowledged in Justice League but was blatantly contradicted by the events of that film? That’s the ticket they should have taken. In a flash of light, teleport dead Superman to the real Fortress

You know you can tell the priorities aren’t straight among these rabid whining fanboys when their complaints hinge on some nonexistant “Snyder cut” rather than simply saying that they wish certain scenes that were deleted had still been part of the film. Because really, if the film itself was the important thing, it

If you could stream comics too, I’d be down 100%.

Did anyone else scan this full of dread that Bruce Timm’s name would show up somewhere?

Here’s how you make a decent Superman game. Story is, Brainiac shows up and puts a big-ass force field around Metropolis because he wants to shrink it down and bottle it up like he did with Kandor. This cuts off Superman’s access to the solar radiation that gives him his powers. Start the game with a huge fight that

You realize that “the original vision” probably doesn’t exist right? Also I don’t think “give Zack Snyder a chance” is the best decision considering the fact that doing that TWICE is what made the DCEU such a botched project.

So, no one’s going to mention that The Crow was originally a comic book first? Tell you what, if you can live without ever seeing another Batman, Spider-Man, Captain America, James Bond, or Sherlock Holmes adaptation, then sure, let’s leave it alone.

Okay, but can we please ditch the huge bulky armor with the weird, murky gold-and-green color scheme across the entire thing? It’s incredibly stupid to put Aquaman in armor that reads visually as “heavy and cumbersome” and it doesn’t actually look very much like his costume in the comics. Give him something more

Could be worse. Fox is not only embarrassed to have any superhero-ness, they openly mock the source material, the filmmakers go out of their way to distance themselves from it, and critics and audiences everywhere seem to applaud them for it anyway.

I’m an adult and I love clowns. I say that unironically.

So i’m just gonna stop messaging you. You seem like you don’t know how to talk to be people without being a prick. I’m not gonna bother reading the rest of what you typed. Good day to you sir

Yea kinda, we need to know what the villain is capable of and what their intentions are. That’s sorta what makes them scary.

They did go the “full horror” route. By this criteria The Exorcist was just “a drama with horror elements mixed in.” It absolutely was a horror movie about a witch. It was also a horror movie about how superstition can tear a family apart. One does not negate the other. A film can be multiple things at the same time.