
I’m not sure I totally agree as far as the original film being dated or anything, but I’m very happy to see Ray Russell get a little love here. The guy wrote some really great stuff.

Meh. I never cared for this argument. You only ever see it for stories and characters and IP that aren’t constantly plastered everywhere, all around us. There are franchises still running right now that are arguably way more worn out and unnecessary, but because they still make money, and still get made with some

Which he did not direct.

I sincerely hope that you will never be able to taste ice cream ever again.

It is true...mostly. The romantic, sympathetic vampire was being featured elsewhere without Rice’s influence. Dark Shadows comes to mind, and not just the show itself. The paperback novel series created as a tie-in for the show was not only very successful, I BELIEVE it’s the first of its kind. And of course Varney

The pretty sparkly romantic vampires that everyone is so damn bored of only exist because Anne Rice helped popularize whiny romantic pretty vamps to begin with. Anne Rice planted the seed from which Twilight and its ilk grew.

I mean if they actually bothered to read some folklore they could actually do something fresh WITH vampires. I could easily see a film that does for vampires what Robert Eggers’ The Witch did for witches if they based it on the real shit coming out of the Balkans in the 18th century, or at least the 19th century New

modern audiences don’t have the suspension of disbelief anymore for magic curses, ludicrous science, or creatures that can somehow explode into a bunch of bats.

That was Bruce Timm’s fault.

I swear I recall reading somewhere that there were makeup tests for a proper Mr. Hyde.

I think we did. He was a very sad, lonely guy who was dealing with severe mental illness that was not being properly treated, he was treated like crap by everyone around him, HOWEVER he was also a very narcissistic person who, very ironically, cared very little for others. He only cared about what other people could

My buddy and I once imagined a bar called “The Dirty Snowman”.

Or maybe you’re still looking for excuses to bash the movie even after making a show out of your precious humility when you found out you were wrong about the incel narrative this entire time, something that was pointed out to you by many people over and over and over again.

Not to mention how easily the term “incel” is being thrown around now. It actually refers to extremely misogynistic men who believe themselves entitled to have sex with any woman they want, and they are extremely angry that they can’t convince any women to do the deed with them.

I think that’s less to do with the film itself and the fact there’s this really weird contingent of DC fans who revel in the idea that dark = good, fun = bad, and they believe the failure of any DC project is part of some vast conspiracy led by Disney.

Oh, the controversy was definitely overblown. The media ran with a narrative that this film is a tale about an absurdly heroic incel warrior of some kind, and it’s not. Not to mention how many supposedly liberal journalists adopted the Republican talking point that violent media is the real cause of mass shootings.

These things are not mutually exclusive. DC has published tons of Batman comics that don’t tie into a larger continuity.

You appear to be operating under the belief that this film needs to somehow fit into the standard Batman mythos, and is lesser because it doesn’t. That’s not really a fair approach, if you ask me.

Any idea of that happening clearly went out the window before the film was even made, and all the (stupid) controversy is only going to reinforce it. If we get another Joker, it’ll be a Matt Reeves take on the character, not a Todd Phillips one shoehorned in.

Boy, everyone really is desperate to see some universe-pushing corporate fuckery with this picture. No, it’s not going to tie into the upcoming Batman movie. No, it’s not in there to set up the upcoming Batman movie.