
Abe Sapien is everywhere, man. You see the Justice League trailer? Notice Aquaman? Look closely...
...Abe Sapien!

This isn’t the first time Abe Sapien has appeared outside of Hellboy! Did you know Abe Sapien showed up in The Cabin in the Woods!?

This “he looks identical to Abe Sapien” thing is really quite bullshit. They look nothing alike aside from the fact that they’re both interpretations of the same basic concept of an amphibious fish dude. The SOW creature looks more like the Creature from the Black Lagoon than he does Abe Sapien.

Bet he still gets more work than Colin Kaepernick.

When did I criticize anyone for how they enjoy media? I don’t give a fuck what you like or don’t like, I’m sure I like things that would make you question my tastes altogether. But for fuck’s sake, give credit where it’s due and at least try to know what you’re talking about. If the previous film version of Hellboy

Indeed. Spawn got all the lip service and the merchandise, but look where they are now. Spawn is in the shitter and Hellboy is a thriving universe unto itself. I think a lot of it comes down to two things: consistency of vision and ability to collaborate well. Todd McFarlane is terrible at these things while Mike

Perlman was a lovesick puppydog half the time, so I wouldn’t say he nailed it completely. Hopefully this Hellboy gets it right.

So everyone’s just going to ignore the fact that Del Toro’s version didn’t look all that different from the comic book anyway? Speaking as a massive GDT fan, I wish people would stop pretending he invented Hellboy. This doesn’t look too different from the previous version because they BOTH are faithful to the fucking

Yeah, that seems to be the case. As I understand, that awful “sequel” novel that Dacre “co-wrote” with Ian Holt was actually based on a treatment that Holt had written for a potential sequel to the 1992 Dracula movie. And frankly, it shows, since part of what made that stupid “sequel” novel so bad was that it spent

Dacre Stoker and J.D. Barker are not writing the film. They co-wrote an upcoming novel which the film will be based on. Also it’s worth mentioning that this prequel novel (and film) thankfully won’t be connected to that horrible “sequel” novel Dracula: The Un-Dead that Dacre co-wrote with Ian Holt.

An undocumented immigrant who grew up to be a journalist.

It’s easy to see how they ended up in this mess when you take a look at when the various DCEU films were made and released.

I thought that was Universal’s motto.

It’s a bad report. The Deadline article makes mention that this is the first film from a new currently-unnamed line of films based on the DC characters that isn’t beholden to any one specific continuity, which will feature different actors playing the iconic roles. This article leaves that part out mostly. It’s a

No, this is not connected to Shin Godzilla at all. Continuity isn’t as big a deal for Japan when it comes to Godzilla films. For instance the Millenium series was basically a bunch of disconnected films that only ever acknowledged the original (with the exception of the two Kiryu Mechagodzilla films).

The Film Title Cinematic Universe is based on a property that I’ve been attached to from childhood and am still attached to today, so I won’t judge it the way I judge cinematic universe projects that don’t mean anything to me personally. Bring on more Film Title films! Sequels! Comics! Toys! I want it all! Cater to my

That made me stupid laugh.

So no one is going to say it? Okay. I’ll be that guy.

Christ, not this shit again. The Wolfman was never part of any shared universe project. Never. Not once. Not ever. Never. Dracula Untold was never intended to be part of such a project until the last minute decision to add a sequel hook at the very end.

Exactly. The show may not exist yet, but the idea exists doesn’t it? I don’t need to “wait and see” if this show will be terribly offensive or not just like I didn’t need to “wait and see” if Donald the Trump would be an offensively terrible President.