
One thing that keeps bugging the hell out of me is that some of the people defending Confederate do so from the position that it’s bad to censor art before it’s even created on the basis that it “might be” offensive.

MonsterVerse is the Godzilla/Kong related kaiju universe set up between Warner and Legendary. Universal’s shared universe project is Dark Universe.

“Shout out to daisies...”
“Why not all flowers? What do you have against roses hmmmmm? #AllFlowersMatter”


In “real life” an exorcism can take place over a few years. So it’s actually more “realistic” that they didn’t get the demon out in a single night.

No two minds think exactly alike. Why not use thoughts or brainwaves or something like an advanced fingerprint system? Mindprints? Forgive me if I can’t science very well, I are not very a smart.

Hands of Orlok, eh? Clever name you got there. Bravo!

On one hand it infuriates me that Bat-bias always seeps into every confrontation between these two no matter how illogical. Superman could, should, and would kick his ass every time if it wasn’t for the massive plot armor granted to Batman by cultural favoritism.

Yes, I am talking about that poorly written, misguided, utter disgrace of an adaptation. For fuck’s sake, one of the taglines was “America’s Original Vampire” of all things. It was terrible as a Dracula adaptation, it was terrible in its own right, and I’m glad it was canceled.

One impossibly shitty, irrelevant, Dracula-in-name-only TV series is enough in my lifetime. I’d prefer if there weren’t two.

I’m going to tear my hear out the next time I see this comparison. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was not a monster-mash. It was a cross-genre Victorian literary crossover designed to answer the question of “what if the whole Justice League/Avengers super team idea happened in Victorian times” and even then if

Except...that’s not quite right. Because fan-favorite director Guillermo Del Toro put out a classic Gothic Horror/Romance ghost story film in October and once again, no one fucking saw it. So I’ll be honest, I don’t just blame Universal for fucking this up, I also blame the people who whine about the lack of old

All of this could have been avoided if Universal had pushed back the shooting schedule for The Wolfman. The hectic, rushed production and resulting mess of a post-production was that film’s downfall, and the failure of that film is the reason Universal is so scared to make these the period piece Gothic Horror films

It should be said that Universal did one BIG THING right that Warner Bros. didn’t do with the DCEU: they waited. They didn’t start filming one or two more Dark Universe films before they even saw how The Mummy performed critically and financially. This means they don’t have to scramble to fix a damaged film after

The Batman I remember was a detective, but he was also a human being. He wasn’t some one-man (not)killing machine who had the solution to every problem right away. He had to keep his wits about him, be creative. For all that’s said about how “human” he is, he’s not always depicted that way anymore. I always hated the

There was a brief epilogue scene tacked on at the end which was so vague it could have easily been read as standard sequel bait. The only real reason it was interpreted as a hint of some shared universe tie-in is because the announcement of such a project had been made before the film came out. Of course, I’m fully

You mean Dracula Untold. Dracula Unbound is a novel by Brian Aldiss, a follow-up to Frankenstein Unbound which was made into a film by Roger Corman. But I digress.

THANK YOU! I loved Batman as a kid, but I’ve noticed over the years that affinity for a very dark, brutal, militaristic Batman has chipped away at the Batman I remember.

Obligatory “no one has actually said that every single film is going to be set in modern day” comment. Oh, and top it off with the obligatory “no, Van Helsing and The Wolfman and Dracula Untold were not failed attempts at launching a massive shared universe project” comment. One more: the “no, I, Frankenstein and Victo

Oh look, more people who think that The Wolfman and Dracula Untold were totally meant to be universe-launchers even though they weren’t. And look! Some people in the replies can’t even tell the difference between Universal films and films from other studios! Ah, the feeling of being one monster fan in a sea of people