
I’m sick of this “bad candidate” crap. You can call him a raging orange dumpster fire all you want but until you’re ready to acknowledge that, BECAUSE HE IS A RAGING ORANGE DUMPSTER FIRE, that “bad candidate” nonsense doesn’t apply.

Snagging indie directors seems to be all the rage. Give Joe Begos a shot. Almost Human was fun and The Mind’s Eye was outstanding. No way it turns out worse than Jason Goes To Hell and a guy like him could pull it off on such a small budget a profit would be guaranteed.

It’s been eight years since the last one. Prior to that it was another eight years, or six if you count the crossover. Prior to Jason X it took eight years.

The backing audio sounds like a demo from an old toy keyboard.

I’m just going to wait for them to reboot this whole thing. Also I’m sick of militaristic psychopath Batman with fascist undertones. I miss the fun swashbuckling James Bond-esque Batman with a mind like Sherlock Holmes.

First thought I had was this. If it’s true it’ll be pretty ballsy.

So I know the impulse would be to team up Superman and Doc Savage next, but I really want to see Superman and Flash Gordon together.

I just don’t care for Dennis Quaid. Can’t stand him. And yes it’s mostly irrational.

That anyone ever expected it to be grimdark in the first place is baffling to me.

Meh. I’m fucking sick of evil Superman stories. Call me when Batman flips his lid for ONCE.

If Clinton

I don’t give a damn about “but he’s dead” because A) we know he’s coming back and B) damn it he should be the one leading the team, not fucking Batgod. Arrrgh...

Sabrina the Teenage Witch done in the style of Rosemary’s Baby is already being done in the comics, and it’s one of the best horror comics on the shelves today. If the show is based on that, it’s got one Hell of a foundation to work from.

I’m convinced the best way WB and DC could reboot their entire cinematic universe and save face (because to do so would look like an admission that they fucked up and you know they wouldn’t want to do that) is to just start from scratch with a series of solo films leading up to a new Justice League animated

Because perverts and rapists are known for their dedication to the rule of law, right? Pointless bill.

Every time I see him I’m distracted by how unnecessarily huge his head is. Am I the only one to notice that?

I sincerely hope that that caller did find mutilated cattle and that it was, in fact, the Wolf Man who was responsible. I want that guy to be right so badly, just because it would make it funnier.

I wonder how much crossover there is between so-called Christians who complain about this and people who mock Muslims for complaining about artistic depictions of their prophet.

Batman taking out Superman with one punch thanks to a Kryptonite right? Sorry, no. That is not the fight I always wanted. I’d prefer if they didn’t fight at all, but if they must, any Batman victory is as bullshit as a Trump victory, only instead of getting help from Russia and the FBI, Batman gets help from DC and

Heaven forbid they throw us Superman fans a fucking bone. Nope, gotta keep up with the Batgod parade. Sigh.