
Now, naturally this comment is going to have spoilers, so don’t get mad at me if you read past this and get spoiled.

The whole “we’re scared of China” thing doesn’t hold water considering there are actually Asian cast members. Why weren’t they whitewashed too? Is there anyone in China who’s pissed about Wong being Asian? The truth is much simpler than any of that.

Not surprised there’s only one horror film on either list. Sigh. Anyway, there’s a common criticism about The Witch that boggles my mind. I keep seeing people who say that nothing happens. Which is just...absurd. I mean, it’s insane. Did we not watch the same movie? Literally every single scene moves the story

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Here’s a great one from way back in 2003 that makes good use of a Tim Buckley song.

I think she’s about to find out she can get just as much blood on her hands doing nothing, only this time it’s the blood of people she cares about. Same thing Morgan needs to understand.

Anyone else get chills from that last shot? You may have to be familiar with Conquest of the Planet of the Apes and its original ending.

So I think I figured out Trump’s real endgame. The deepest personal desire that led him down this path.

Twilight, the greatest vampire series ever made.

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Stranger Things had a great use of a haunting, emotional cover within the actual series. You can’t tell me I cried my eyes out alone to the scene this song played to:

Victor Frankenstein was not a Universal film. Dracula Untold was an unrelated project that got a retooled ending at the last minute. The Wolfman was not a shared universe pilot. I actually followed the production of all these films and it’s easy to pretend they were all attempts at the same thing, but they weren’t.

Dracula Untold is officially not part of the new universe. Kurtzman just said so in a roundtable interview.

There should be a running gag about how Thor never wears his helmet even though characters keep reminding him he should for safety reasons. Perhaps in an opening battle scene his head is injured and someone remarks, “This is why you should wear your helmet.” Thor rolls his eyes and scoffs, “Again with this?”

You know what’s sad? I was expecting a twist wherein it’s revealed that it was all real world footage.

First of all Japan’s current Godzilla is not just nostalgia. That’s obvious to those who have seen it. Second of all you should read the whole thing. They’re talking about how the original 1954 Japanese film, a legitimate masterpiece, was edited for American release in 1956 in a way that robbed it of its thematic

If it’s “everyday Americans” you want, just watch the new season of The Walking Dead. What those “everyday Americans” do in the first episode is pretty mind-blowing.

Whining that this isn’t as goofy and comedic as the Brendan Fraser film is like whining that the Batman movies haven’t lately been goofy and comedic like the Schumacher Batman films.

On one hand, it annoys me that Anne is getting pat on the back for jumping yet another shark. At this point this series may as well be jumping a megalodon. On the other hand, it annoys me that this is being treated as super unique and original, and it really, really isn’t. “Vampires, but made by science” is nothing

She’s all that’s left of Destroyah after what went down in ‘95.

Icee Dems, brown the runway...

It’s cool in and of itself but it’s a terrible rendition of his latest armor, given that the whole point was to go sleeker, with less lines and moving parts, bringing more simplicity to the table than has been around in a long time (the classic armor ironically seems more advanced than more recent armors in part