
Paul W. S. Anderson should be the villain for the next Wreck-It Ralph. Him or Konami. Either way we get someone who hates video games and will turn every one they touch into garbage somehow.

Jesus, what is happening to this country? Is this some sort of plague? A plague of cruelty, of freezing hearts and shrinking minds? What has happened to our humanity?

This week, society continues to be horrified now that a violent narcissistic cult leader has been put in charge. But enough about the election, let’s talk about The Walking Dead...

I think part of the problem is that they’re not really interested in making X-Men movies. They want to make generic science fiction action movies that just so happen, as if by coincidence, to be very loosely based on the X-Men.

What’s sad as hell about this is that one day those racist bullies are going to vote. How many of them will have only amplified their racism over the course of the next four years, such that it becomes more and more likely that they won’t change for the better? This election, a big majority of voters between 18 and 25

King Kong was not a giant gorilla. Not in the original film and not in this one. In the former case it was probably limitations of the time in which it was made, but in this case it’s very much a conscious design choice, something the director mentions a few times in that interview. Anatomically there are clear

I can’t stop crying.

Yesterday Lady Liberty stood on a cliff and 55 million Americans shouted, “Jump!” What a fucking disgrace.

Hi. DC fan here. Maybe don’t lump all of us in one boat? DC fans are probably likely to be even more disappointed by these films than the average moviegoer since we’re a bit more personally invested in these characters and these stories. I know I was disappointed.

Knowing that my parents wanted to vote for Trump but couldn’t because of registration issues made it just a little sweeter when I voted for Hillary this morning.

So, let’s recap. When a pro-Trump protester shows up at a rally for Obama and holds up his sign, he gets booed and Obama defends the man. When an anti-Trump protester shows up at a Trump rally and holds up his sign, he’s violently assaulted and accused of being a plant paid by the Clinton campaign at best and an

You’re wrong about that. This character has been around for a long time. You can’t just point to one end of the timeline and say “that’s everything this character truly is”. You have to sort of crystallize it, look at the whole thing at once, and then look at the most common, most important factors. The fact of the

Apparently the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a microphone is a good guy with a sign.

It’s a little convoluted and weird but at the very least they knew enough not to bury Clark Kent so they could bring him back somehow.

I got into an argument on another io9 comment section with someone who insisted that when Superman was brought back, they would find a way to bring back Clark too. “Oh, he’ll say he was on a mission from the government, or Cadmus made him fake his death,” so on and so forth. Never considering that if Clark DID come

“No one stays good in this world.”

Someone has Pokémon on the brain. It’s Danny Ketch, not Danny Ketchum.

People are going to stay home instead of vote for her.

Long story short, historian Margaret Murray helped to popularize a crackpot theory about how there was an actual ancient pre-Christian cult of witches and that these witches were the specific targets of the many witch trials and executions throughout the early modern period of Western Europe. This ancient witch cult

It doesn’t help that the whole concept of Wicca originated in a stupid hoax perpetuated by terrible research and disgustingly irresponsible historical revisionism.