
This is a very dumb thing they did, make no mistake, but I can’t help but notice a certain level of irony.

Now playing

Lamest giant monster? Buddy, not only is Kong one of the greats, right up there with Godzilla himself, there’s no way he could be the lamest giant monster in a world where this exists.

It was always a Blair Witch sequel, based on the comments the filmmakers gave to EW.

The thigh high boots don’t work for me either, especially since they’re just a longer version of her old school, more simplified boots. It also looks like the decision to give her a dark bodysuit underneath it all was a last minute decision when they got to coloring. It’s just, overall, a terrible design. Both her

Sorry, no. It may be “practical” but it’s also a hideous mish mash. It's like she took a bunch of spare pieces from separate outfits and put them all on at the same time. Plus, I mean, do we really need a big red V right over her crotch?

The best government is the government that is open and honest with their citizens

Buddy, if you’re not voting for Hillary out of spite, it’s you we can thank for the Trump Presidency. Until this country adopts a different voting system (instead of “first past the post” voting) we’re constantly going to be in a position where we’re voting against a candidate we hate instead of for a candidate we

I just forgot what we were talking about. Must watch Whose Line now.

I’m not calling the OP out for criticizing him. I’m calling them out for being a dick about it.

No, he’s not.

1) The guy’s working constantly. Cut him some slack. They can’t all be masterpieces at the constant rate he works.

Jock and Francavilla alternated. It’s not hard to figure out where. Their styles are very distinctive.

You just insulted celebrated artist Francesco Francavilla, who’s done a number of exclusive posters for Mondo Tees as well as illustrating the critically acclaimed “Afterlife With Archie” and the "Black Mirror" arc of Detective Comics.

By the time Bruce is Batman he won’t even need to be a detective at all. What a dumb show.

I know that. But I've encountered too many people who treat it as a concrete thing that you can't deviate from. Not a big deal really, but still.

Not if you spell it Ygor like the Universal films did. Also he wasn’t Frankenstein’s assistant. He was a blacksmith with a broken neck who manipulated the monster for his own evil purposes.

Except Universal already had a shared universe long before then. Did this happen when The Avengers came out? “Look! It’s like League of Extraordinary Gentlemen but with superheroes!”

Based on the artwork for the original comic, he would have been a great Eric, looks-wise. Acting wise too.

For what it’s worth I liked Dracula Untold and I kind of hope he gets the chance to be Dracula again too. It’d be interesting to see him go further down the path into darkness and villainy, since he only just got started on it.

The status of Dracula Untold’s place in the Monster Universe is not officially known right now. The ending was re-shot so they could retroactively include it in their Monster Universe plan, however constant references to The Mummy as the first film in that universe have left some serious doubt that they’re going to do