
Superman doesn’t even need to destroy him. He can easily disarm him and win the fight without even causing serious bodily harm. Also how come “moral code” is never listed as a weakness when we’re talking about Batman?

Saying Batman can beat Superman is like saying a sloth can win a race against a cheetah. You can strap a rocket to a sloth’s back but in any fair race all that would earn him is a disqualification.

That’s the Peter Panda dance...?

I’m not convinced that it’s Superman trying to blast Batman in that couple of shots. I bet it’s just edited to look that way when in fact this scene takes place later on when they’re working together to try and bring down a common foe. I’m betting Lex uses Zod’s body to create Bizarro. That’s right, not Doomsday.

Looks like a Victorian female Shadow to me.

Yeah, but it really isn’t.

Jor-El did not send Kal to Earth to be the savior of humanity. It was Kal’s life that needed saving. If anything he’s a Moses analogue.

NBC’s Dracula was absurdly terrible and shame on all of you for liking it.*

Now that I’m on a proper computer...

It’s a versatile myth, but I think it’s gotten too versatile lately. I’d type more but my phone insists on typing in reverse! More tomorrow.

It’s great to highlight older works that are a little more obscure these days, and while this synopsis does intrigue me, I’m afraid I just don’t care for vampire romance as a sub-genre. It’s not my thing. Maybe highlight some examples of great vampire horror instead? As maligned as the vampire romance sub-genre may

If you ask me, making vampires so insanely malleable is part of what ruined their appeal.

Then reality sets in and you find out Rick Baker is retiring because of Hollywood’s CGI overload.

For some really disgusting stuff you guys should have seen what the IMDb board was like just a couple months ago. I mean, everyone just automatically writes off IMDb as a dump, which it absolutely is, but actually take a look at it some time. Some of the racist crap I’ve seen there is just horrifying. It transcended

It may not be small scale but I’d love a WWII-set Invaders movie. U.S. Agent, Union Jack, Blazing Skull, the Human Torch, Namor (if the rights are set), all teaming up to kick some Nazi ass. Maybe Baron Blood can show up? And the senior Baron Zemo?


My mom and her mom tried to do this weird fucked up adoption where they’d be paid for giving me away. In short, they tried to sell me. My dad’s mom stepped in and took me in, and raised me herself. My mom and her mom don’t know that I’m aware of this. Somewhere I still have the piece of paper where they and the other

I love how the anti-Superman movement decided that the best way to hate on Man of Steel is to criticize it for not being Superman enough. For years a persistent, and typically unfair backlash has been perpetuated against Superman, and when a big Superman film came out that took the character seriously, this weird mass

I love how everyone's complaining about the dark tone, as if it's just dark for it's own sake. Some superhero movies are content to trot out bland, unmemorable villains with straightforward destroy/rule the world schemes so the heroes can just punch them into submission. This one presents Superman with a different

“We feel that this is completely out of sync with the traditions of our state and our nation to seek guidance from the occult.”