
Try Brian Azzarello's Joker. The secret is simple: the Joker isn't actually the protagonist, the POV character.

That costume isn't terrible because it covers too much. It's terrible because it's terrible. It's really disjointed and for all the hype about her being "covered up" it just looks like a last minute thing where they colored some skin areas a dark blue. It doesn't come together with any cohesion at all. I'll gladly

How about a Terminator that can travel through time independently?

I understand where you're getting that vibe from and I'm not about to be all "WTF YOUR WRONG" whatever, but I must respectfully disagree. I personally don't see it that way. More than likely any such parallel is coincidental.

Sorry. Still looks terrible.

How does she open doors?

Surprise surprise, Marvel zombies like to play fast and loose with the word "realism". Of course Superman is a fantastical character, but "realism" has nothing to do with removing fantasy from the equation. "Realism" is a matter of presentation, not construction. Simple as that.

Can we please just stop this fucking anti-Superman crusade in which he's constantly turned into a ruthless dictator? As a Superman fan I am sick and tired of seeing this, and I'm especially tired of seeing how so many people prefer Superman like this because it justifies their prejudiced hatred of him.

I really don't give a shit. The comic spits all over everything Superman stands for. It contributes to the mainstream's obsessive willful ignorance and contempt for Superman and I refuse to support it.

As a genuine Superman fan I strongly disagree. It sickens me that people find it so trendy to bash Superman relentlessly, and now this disgusting perversion of the character is regarded as the best depiction of him? Bullshit.

I love how some folks who bashed the hell out of 50 Shades of Crap for being misogynist rape-romanticizing garbage are now swooning for Tom Hiddleston's character in this film even though he's, in all likelihood, a murderer and a psychopath who's probably screwing his sister. Hypocrisies such as these really make me

Mario Bava should be mandatory viewing before seeing this. Especially The Whip and the Body, another erotically-charged gothic ghost story, this time starring Christopher Lee.

Correction: the Mario Bava challenge. Everyone go watch The Whip and the Body right effin' now. I mean it. I mean it.

I'm glad to see that the tendency to make busy, complicated, over-designed Batman costumes has extended to alternate universe depictions.

How about when Ultron took over Iron Man's discarded sentient armor during the S.K.I.N. phase? I know no one likes to remember that arc, or the S.K.I.N. armor, but it's such a weird take on Ultron. His mouth is so huge it takes up his whole face!

I see it with a lot of other things too, though. Anything from Lewis Carroll to Philip K. Dick, people whine constantly about how Hollywood always screws up classic works of genre fiction...but if it's part of the horror genre, who gives a shit? I think it's part of the general disdain for the horror genre that's not

I just don't understand how everyone can panic so hard over the new Fantastic Four when the changes made there are microscopic in comparison to these barely recognizable adaptations of classic horror literature.

Oh look, more "in name only" adaptations of famous stories and characters that no one seems to mind because they're not comic book superheroes. I'll pass on both of these. Let me know when Guillermo Del Toro makes a real Frankenstein movie.

So, wait. If a fetus is considered a person, and a person who can't afford an attorney is SOL because there's no state-wide public defender program, how come the fetus gets a public defender? There's something vaguely, weirdly ageist about this. If the basis for a fetus being granted a lawyer lies in the fetus's

I'm pretty sure this isn't a sequel to the Peter Jackson film. But you go ahead and keep reporting that it is. Then when it becomes obvious that it's not, you'll act all surprised and confused.