
Completely fabricated? Not quite. Historically, Vlad Dracula was given up as a hostage to the Turks as a child in exchange for a shaky peace between them and Wallachia. The brutal experience helped shape him into a brutal man, and when he ruled Wallachia himself, the Sultan really did show up and order him to pay a

Good riddance. Not only was it a terrible show, it was a terrible Dracula show. I don't get why it has such a following here. Just because it was totally bonkers doesn't mean it was any good. I have never seen an adaptation butcher the source material's story and characters as thoroughly as that show did, and I'm glad

Can we really be sure that Universal intends to start with a Van Helsing reboot? Universal has a new Dracula movie coming out this year and Legendary Pictures signed on to help produce the film, following the huge announcement that they'd be leaving Warner Brothers and seeking a new ally in Universal. I can't help but

Am I the only one who's sick of Batman constantly getting a puzzle piece armored costume? It looks like crap. If you take away the bat logo, the cape, and just stick a helmet on him, he'd look like any generic space commando from a dozen shooter games.

Rob, I'm sorry, but I can't take your reviews seriously anymore after the praise you gave NBC's awful Dracula-in-name-only series. I'll just wait and see on this one.

How about the kind of romance where a formerly intelligent, interesting, and courageous female character is turned into little more than a love interest for a character who, not long ago, was such an embodiment of evil that he left said female character's fiance to die halfway across a continent, killed said female

I'm sick of seeing Dracula and Mina paired up in Dracula adaptations, but that's not quite what this article is asking for is it?

On Superman: I agree, I think he did the right thing. I'm just illustrating the double standard.

Thank god that Fantastic Four rumor isn't true! When is Hollywood going to learn that disrespecting the source material doesn't work out? At least, except for when it comes to Dracula. If Dracula is butchered until it's completely unrecognizable, mainstream pablum, no one minds, no one panics, and no one cares. But

So Superman can't snap Zod's neck as a last resort and immediately regret it, but Van Helsing can turn children into vampires and sic them on their own father. The Ninja Turtles can't be aliens, but Dracula can be a love-sick American entrepreneur. Wonder Woman can't have a Kryptonian origin, but Mina Murray can be

And how do we all know that? Were you there on the set? Did you see who was in charge every day? Who made all the creative decisions? I think the real reason "we all know that" is because "we all hate Michael Bay so of course he's in charge because he's awful and that's proof enough".

Why does everyone keep acting like this is Michael Bay's film? He's just the producer. This is Jonathan Liebesman's film.

It's bad enough that this show does the worst job of adapting Stoker's material out of any Dracula adaptation (and that's saying a lot), but the fact that it's so stupid in its own right just makes it a damn shame. What a missed opportunity.

And it'd be great if we were getting an old school vampire, but we're not. He has none of the classic powers like turning into a bat or hypnosis. He's just some vaguely strong, vaguely fast guy who drinks blood and can't touch the sunlight. That's almost every other vampire today. Toss in the characterization as a

If you're doing something new, what is the point of pretending it's something old? What's the point in adapting Dracula if you're not going to actually adapt it? It's like the opposite of Nosferatu. They kept the names and changed everything else. There's no point in making a show called "Dracula" if it's not going to

You're just complaining about tone, though. If changing everything is okay "as long as it's entertaining" then the change doesn't matter to you. What I'm arguing here has nothing to do with the tone of things. I'm arguing that circles of geekdom throw massive bitchfits whenever one character or story is even RUMORED

I'm complaining about the double standard. Some geeky things are apparently okay to bastardize and others are not. That's the message I'm getting here. Change Wonder Woman? Crime. Change Dracula? A-okay.

It is butchered. The characters are not the same. The story is not the same. The themes are not the same. I'm surprised they kept the 19th century setting at the rate they've decided to toss everything else away. I don't expect 100% faithfulness to Stoker's book, nor do I want that, but I expect it to be recognizable.

What it has in "creativity" it lacks in an incredible disregard for the source material. The double standard is really quite shocking to me. Change Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman even a TINY BIT, and the world explodes with chaos and outrage and righteous fury. Change Dracula into a story that's completely

No, the case with Dracula is that anything resembling Stoker's characters has been gutted in order to graft their names onto unrecognizable stand-ins who are somehow both insane and boring at the same time. Dracula should be Dracula, not "Steampunk True Blood".