
Except a "dark and soulless" tone wasn't what caused the internet to have a seizure the other day. Everyone flipped their lids over a BS piece of speculation that MAYBE Wonder Woman's origin might be a little different. Meanwhile, Dracula has been utterly butchered and no one seems to care as long as there are zany

So, let me get this straight. A fake rumor about Wonder Woman being descended from ancient Kryptonian astronauts is some kind of major outrage, but the complete and utter desecration of Dracula is perfectly acceptable as long as it's goofy enough to be entertaining. Nice to see where the line is drawn, Rob.

Rob Bricken uses hyperbole to attack DC again? Shocker.

Batman would invent some kinda Kryptonite ray. Wow, great thinking. Does anyone ever really stop to think how silly something like that sounds, even in this context? If Batman was smart enough to invent a Kryptonite ray, not only would he have done it already, but it would probably take some time. Batman is human. His

Let me guess, this is from the same source who said Krypton was never destroyed in Man of Steel. You guys really need to stop treating this crap like it's legit.

Superman. Every common criticism of Superman is stupid. "He's overpowered!" No he's not actually. He's just powerful enough to handle the situations that are thrown at him. People who write superhero stories tailor the threats and villains to the heroes, and Superman is no exception to that. "He's not relatable!"

Here's a reason not to watch it that trumps all of those: it shits all over the book in every single way, changing every important character and every important plot element. Does it have some interesting ideas? Yes. Is it Dracula? No. I don't ask for 100% faithfulness to the book, but there are some things that must

It'd be nice if the bloody, scary looking moments weren't completely undermined by the fact that they're focusing so much on making him a sexy romantic anti-hero with a convenient sob story.

Worst Frankenstein Monster ever. How does he manage to be so anatomically normal when he's stitched together so sloppily? If he's made of multiple people, how is it that all their body parts seem to match? If he's made of one person, why was he cut up so strangely? He doesn't look monstrous at all, and he doesn't look

I disagree strongly. This is a new Superman. It's got nothing to do with the past movies aside from sharing the same source material, which is coincidental at this point. The Williams music just doesn't fit this particular Superman.

Just because they used Zod again? They're not remaking Superman II. Zod is from Krypton, right? And this film retells his origin, right? So, Zod has a direct tie to his origin. Zod ties directly into the themes they're going for, and helps to externalize a major internal conflict within Superman (his own personal

Guys. Come on. How much thought does it really take to figure out that this RUMOR is bogus?