Ruebens are healthy..... lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala ——>infinity
Ruebens are healthy..... lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala ——>infinity
Ya know, this version has a few (critical) extra seconds of footage at the end where he interviews the group of kids about their take on the... event.
I thought photos were not allowed inside a courtroom..?
Is that the TLDR? cuz that's what I'm lookin fer
In parts of Chicago that aren't downtown, you can rent a garage spot for the cost of a month's worth of street parking tickets.
The best is when you fart in an elevator on your way to the dentist and it immediately stops and 4 people get on.
Oh wait.. that's me... today.
I think I'd like this color scheme tattooed across my entire body, actually.
He'll spend it all and still lose. scumbag.
Let's all donate $$ to Chuy.
I'm not jumping off any buildings.. The Hawks aren't going to miss the playoffs, and everything's different in the playoffs.
#19: Tomatoes.
I just realized his middle name is Wayne. I am now a middle-name-Wayne truther.
Don't worry about little sister.. check out the flying elbow attempt in the last one! She's got the family killer instinct.
I've bumped into a few celebrities including Stan Mikita, but none of these encounters were insane.. mundane maybe?
Yer cats double as dustmops.... ya know..
Hold it right there, pal.. The Florida of the North is Michigan, and none other!
"Amongst the lowlifes that populate this country, one hundred grand is a lot of money," Walsh said.
That's a pretty wide net you're casting with that sentence, Mr. John Walsh.
The real trouble here (and almost everywhere) is people in power who make big, important decisions based on superstition. We're never going to grow or advance as a society on any scale until we take superstition out of government. ... But maybe that's not even enough.
There's a grassroots campaign to popularize 'Buddy-Guy' in Chicago...