The story of MGS2 would have been a lot better received had it been released today. I was impressed by the game back then, but also utterly baffled. Now I think about it often as I navigate our media landscape.
The story of MGS2 would have been a lot better received had it been released today. I was impressed by the game back then, but also utterly baffled. Now I think about it often as I navigate our media landscape.
Chun Li would be a dope Wing Chun/Kung Fu master at this point. Sage and hard as iron! :D
I love Kareem Abdul Jabbar. A classy gentleman and a wise and soulful spirit warrior.
Great cosplay! Just makes me wish that SEGA could bring back Jet Set Radio. It’s too good for it not to be a thing anymore.
WipeOut, the epitome of 90s graphic design in a video game.
It’s not quite “Rocky” is it?
Alright. His career is over. Everyone satisfied? Lets disband the posse for now.
Welcome back and glad you lived to tell the tale.
Virtua Fighter is the dormant king of all 3D fighters.
You know, anime used to be interesting for people who were really into cool art and great looking illustration. Not anymore. Between shoddy, desperately rushed and low budget works like these, and the growing prevalence of 3D models. I never come across anything I care to look at anymore from a visual perspective.
Amen! That box art is one of the most enchanting images ever created for the gaming medium, and its the Mana world I’ve always wanted to visit.
I could always tell Billy Mitchell was a bad guy! :D
I like his new throwback armor! In my opinion, each new Soul Calibur installment has had progressively worse character designs. I love the basic concept of historical swordsmen duking it out. Pitting a knight against a Samurai is a neat idea. While Soul Calibur has always been wacky, Nightmare and Siegfried has looked…
“Screenshot artist” huh....?
I loved the X-Wing and Tie Fighter games. I’d so badly want a full on simulator experience again... But EA wants StarWars to be nothing but a dumbed down shooter for the masses.
“People say kids can’t understand the difference between fact and fiction, but that’s bullshit,” he says. “Kids understand that real crabs don’t sing like the ones in The Little Mermaid. But you give an adult fiction, and the adult starts asking really fucking dumb questions like ‘How does Superman fly? How do those…
Simon Anderson is great! Love his art. Owlboy is among the prettiest games of the decade. :)
Wrong screenshot Shep! That is not the original film.
Wrong screenshot Shep! That is not the original film.