
This is not someone who I’d trust with regularly scheduled maintenance. What if they just BELIEVE the oil is clean? 

The Aldeans look like who you’d cast if Newsmax gave you $500,000 and told you to  go make a movie about Alex Jones and Tami Lahren.

Eh, do what I do.  Lie.  

Damn you and your history science! /s

I'm no history scientist, but wasn't there a black president from 2009 - 2017?

That`s great, it starts with some flushed brakes, serpentines, injector clean - service writer’s never mean.

Fuck you and your disinformation. Please kindly shut the fuck up next time you decide to share anything with no factual basis.

Jean Luc Picard would slap you in the face for this post

I’m not so much bothered by this ignorance as by the 3 other morons that starred it.

Dr. Crusher hailed me and said you’re full of shit. Pretty sure Worf cussed you out in Klingon, too.

I’m a little comforted by their 1 star to the first responder’s 33, at least.  I’ve seen worse ratios.

If only vaccines caused sterility; I would recommend them to you.

Your facts are dead wrong and you should be ashamed for being so ignorant. You should leave the internet and go be a hermit

How the hell is this moron out of the greys!?!?!?!?!?!?

You should have your account banned for spreading potentially dangerous misinformation.

I feel dumber from having read this comment.

bro, u dumb

You’re a liar. Fuck off with that delusional nonsense.

Probably the most ignorant post with someone using the name of Jean Luc Picard.

My wife is an ICU doc and she tells me all the time about how the flu shot won’t absolutely prevent the flu, but will definitely help prevent the life-threatening side effects that people like this girl has.