Captain Janeway

ken bone would be undecided about the rape even after he was finished doing it.

question regarding the live blog: it used to automatically update, but now i have to click a button that says “show new posts”. how do i fix this?? i hate it.

thanks! i don’t speak a word of korean beyond a few food terms and definitely can’t spell :D

I cook the chicken and veggies on separate sheet pans. I put the veggies on top and chicken on the bottom. I do 425 for about 45 mins. These are bone-in skin-on thighs. At the end everything is beautifully browned and crispy and it’s all just on a couple of sheet pans. I love those things.

fry an egg and top the rice with that! a little sriracha or hot sauce and it’s a pretty good meal :)

what’s your carb-baby’s name!! i always name my food babies, it’s the best.

wowwww that looks amazing and i bet your place smelled so so good as it baked up.

I had an ultrasound because I found a couple of lumps (I’m 29). Went to the dr, and she sent me for imaging. Basically, I was lying on my back and they use an ultrasound wand, like the kind they use when pregnant people get ultrasounds, and she rubbed it all over my boob over the lumpy area. It kind of hurt. I think

Wow. They clearly don’t take care of their dogs. We have a dog and two cats and we vacuum weekly. Also, our dog is spayed. I vacuum more than weekly if they’re shedding or if it just gets bad. She goes into the kitchen but just lays on the ground. If it’s raining or something and she gets muddy then she gets a bath,

My rainy night/comfort food meal is roast chicken. So I marinated some chicken thighs with soy sauce, coconut oil, sesame oil, gojuchang, minced garlic and ginger, and rice wine vinegar. In the oven now with garlicky roasted potatoes and broccoli.

still not smoking, despite a stressful week and some bad cravings this week. 5 months!

I’m so sorry. Hugs to you. It’s tough. :(

Our home warranty is the same, but I’m too nervous to cancel it. I feel like once I do, something will happen and I’ll need them.

Ughh jeez. I’m sorry.

She seethed in silence for a while. Last night was the breaking point apparently.

Welcome to your complaint/misery thread!

i’m not sure. just here to say that beaky is super cute and i wanna pet him forever and ever.

This is a good question, one worth pondering.