Yeah, I’ll be fascinated to see what they do during the initial release. I don’t care a damn thing about the movie itself, but this should be one hell of a tap dance.
Yeah, I’ll be fascinated to see what they do during the initial release. I don’t care a damn thing about the movie itself, but this should be one hell of a tap dance.
Because the real plot of Roadhouse is “Jack Dalton is so awesome everyone wants to fight him, fuck him or hire him.” That’s it.
Okay, operating theory: Stan Lee knew actual magic and DC is literally cursed.
This remake will also have to go in a different direction, because I can’t see Jake being totally zen for nearly the whole movie - maybe until the first fight. He’ll start out that way but then he’s going to go over the top, which honestly, is my favorite Jake. This article nails it:
Yes, no one remembers it.
I’m distantly related to the Newport Uncredited Script Doctors, if that does anything for you.
It was rumored to have Rhonda Rousey, so...
They should have just connected Road House to the John Wick franchise. In the Road House universe, bouncers are revered and have reputations that make them folk heroes. There should be part of a branch of the John Wick hitman society that specifically has notable bouncers as members. The worlds crossover and chaos…
True Romance is on the list (#20).
His name is literally Dr Disrespect... might aswell be Mr. Offensive Edgelord Farthing the 3rd.
Not even remotely how that works.
I was taught that “spaz” was offensive and impolite to say back in the late ‘90s; where ya been, old man?
I think that particular problem belongs in the category “Don’t care. Go fuck yourself. Gotta get back to work.”
The Vat of Acid episode doesn’t get enough recognition.
FWIW, that is what makes Pickle Rick work for me. Dr. Wong’s takedown of him at the end laid bare all of his BS. The fact that he is in a ridiculous situation just to avoid a therapy session says everything about him. I loved the character development in Season 3, especially all of the small asides which reveal a lot…
I’m guessing that didn’t happen, did it?
I think that’s one of the few crimes you should be in jail for. Other economic crimes, nah, but tax fraud is literally theft from the people. I see it as a form of treason committed almost solely by the rich.
I agree. Instead of jail time for tax fraud, the fine should hurt really bad. I’m thinking a 1:1 ratio would be a good incentive at every tax bracket. Fudge away $500, owe $500 + $ 500 penalty. Fudge away 5 million... well, you get the picture.
What exactly is your stance on gay marriage? This is a civil right, not a puppy.
You couldn't pay me to watch this video.