Captain Splendid

My person, the entire US commercial airline fleet numbers a grand total 5,882 planes.

In Q4 of 2023, there were 288,000,000 vehicles operating on US roads.

That is quite literally an order of magnitude more than the number of planes in the US squared

Alien: Earth

The best part about that line from Snakes on a Plane is that it was added in a re-shoot and based on an internet meme.

The white savior was in the third movie, he started as savior the grey. 

What’s your childhood thing you would do in a heartbeat if asked?
I’ll go first; I’ve always wanted to write a Doctor Who episode.

I’m sure they have mortgages or whatever.

I really liked Room 237, but I’d watch a whole documentary debunking that documentary.

Nah, the quarter-mile one is the only line that’s really entered the pop culture lexicon.  Since you bring the others up I vaguely remember them being in the movie but that’s about it.

I don’t think anyone is excited about Hawkeye.

These people that broke?

Now playing

One of the most darkly funny scenes in all television

Ignore all of this as we already have an excellent series of televison shows that cover the founding of the Roman Empire:

My condolences to the female writers and staffers.  I cannot imagine they liked this.

It’s a true fuck you to all his female staff members.

Adam Kinzinger is right there. Old School Republican. I don’t like his politics but at least he doesn’t appear to be a fucking psychopath.

We need a movement to persuade Jon Stewart to step down. It’s clear he is no longer fit for the job. His memory is clearly failing him if he doesn’t remember  this:

I like Jon, but this is par for the course with him. I think he’s a phenomenal critic of the media, but is much worse as a political pundit, especially when he tries to engage in good faith with his bad faith sparring partners from the right. It’s very cringe-worthy, and only gets moreso as the climate continues to

I’m also not sure the “glossier” style of the Prometheus movies is inconsistent with the grittier look of the Alien movies. The humans in the Alien movies all have unglamorous, blue collar jobs — space tug operators, soldiers, prison guards. It’s not surprising that the places where these people work look worn,

I suspected they were artificial when it was shown that they had acid for blood and were able to survive vacuum and stuff like that. Then when later movies showed their lifecycle I was sure. The ability to hybridize with alien hosts is a pretty big tell but even putting that aside what ecology could produce

Sorry but the Prometheus and Covenant origin is way cooler/horrifying and HR Giger-ish than mundane Darwinian evolution.