
My husband bought me a dachshund puppy, a few months before we got married, and he was my best friend. Walt was the sweetest, most loyal and precious dog. He was my constant shadow and my sidekick. When we brought our daughters home, I never did a late-night feed alone, he was always curled at my feet. He doted on the

Godspeed my friend

For the Gen Xers like me - 1. who are these people? 2. Is this like our Brad cheated on Jen with Angelina?

I’m loving watching this insane overreach totally backfire on them.  

I just got off the phone with our most recent ex-pres, and he confirmed that this election was stolen too. I asked him if he had any proof. “Palin is hotter. How could she lose?

Your notifications deserve to be set on fire for the idea that “Jordan Peterson can tell you how to be a good man.” He’s a bigoted, misogynistic hack. (

I think having beer poured on you by your drunk husband in front of your kids is a deserving candidate for 'last straw'.

These idiots bankrupting themselves to accomplish nothing at all is perfectly fine by me.

I am weirdly OK with them wasting their money on this than other damaging things.

If my ex was cheating on me the last thing I’d be concerned with is if I humiliated her with how she was served papers.  Her humiliation was probably not as bad as the humiliation he felt when he learned she was openly cheating on him on the set of Don’t Worry, Darling.  

“He could have served me discreetly, but instead...


I’m here for the Philly organization, and who cares what happened 50 years ago.”

Always pay your legal bills!

His My Little Pony appearance is legit probably the best dramatic acting he’s ever done.

I would die happy if media companies started an annual tradition of random crossovers (say, as a Christmas thing) just for the hell of it. Captain Kirk hangs out with Wammawink! Stewie and Chewie go on a road trip to Vegas! John Wick visits Downton Abbey and doesn’t kill anyone!


Normalize ruining these assholes’ meals, bathroom breaks, gardening, grocery shopping, walks and daily lives.


Reap the whirlwind, asshole.