
Or an awesome STNG reference:"Jada, her pussy facing the world"


Turns out Topher is the only good dude from that cast.

I’ve seen it reported elsewhere that she would be in violation of her contract if she doesn’t return to delivering her show. If true, she really needs to put that front and center.

The utter hubris of thinking/believing that your show, and your ‘content’ is so compelling that it just has to be made–without any regard for the people in the industry as a whole that make it possible–is reprehensible. The self-absorption alone is just stunning.

No. We should have solidarity with workers, especially when it’s someone who has relied on these specific workers for their livelihood since childhood. Give a little back for fucksakes! She’s had a life of unimaginable wealth and privilege while the little people fight for the scraps.

Stand WITH them instead of your

She rebranded herself as an empathetic flower child. And people fell for it. Why? It’s not a secret that she’s from a famous family of actors. She’s got the role of a lifetime and isn’t about to loosen her grip on that bag. Fuck every one who needs the power of collective bargaining to get anywhere close to a decent

So with this, the cops can pull over any car with a female minor in it, book the driver on suspicion and force a gyno exam on the girl? I’m sure that won’t be abused...

I mean.. that’s my first thought.. like.. you’re proud of this then?

Imagine being proud that your idiot son isn’t smart enough to use birth control.  

Imagine flexing about your higher teenage pregnancy rates.

Cockroaches, lice, and bedbugs: We aren’t friends with this asshole.

Not Neil as well?! Oh the humanity!

I’m very thankful to you for sharing this as I wasn’t aware... and now I have a new favorite politician.

He should run for president using these quotes!

Gallego is cool as hell and if they don’t make a campaign shirt that says “I would have killed all those motherfuckers to save this democracy. Fuck those guys.” I will be deeply upset.

“How dare you!?” Ha, wonder what he actually tweeted... wait, that’s what he ACTUALLY tweeted? My day is officially made. Also, this:

Seeing “Dirt bag” over both Robach’s and Holmes’ names seems oddly apropos. It's a fun game trying to figure out which one the header is referring to. It can be both!

(31/2)+7= 22.5