
I mean with stuff like this it’s inevitable bc there will be more “mongrel” children. The kind of people against birth control are also against white women procreating with the “wrong” kind of person

Ah, but only the CORRECT laws. Note, please, how few Republicans support those states who have legalized marijuana, and how often they advise Federal intervention in such states.

And boy oh boy are “[the good] doing exactly that.

Because the alternative to ‘action’ is to watch the situation grow worse at an increased pace. It is possible, however unlikely, that the regressives can still be defeated with finality, but ONLY through means more persistent then their own. I, myself, lack the social acumen to handle a stint in public office, but

No, the turkey wrap is some stimulus checks and empty symbolic language about Black Lives Mattering while student loans or healthcare get to keep being the same predatory nightmare they’ve always been.

So everyone in conservative states will be working their asses off to make sure these people don’t get elected by working for their opponents, right? Even if that means working for a Democratic candidate you don’t 100% agree with, but at least agree on more with than the Republican candidates, right?

Lol, in this analogy is my proposed Democratic platform of “crime-free weed, consequence-free sex, and debt-free college” the “flavorless turkey wrap that isn’t what anybody actually wants”?  Because I think you may be misreading my post quite badly!

They could run such a platform, but unfortunately American politics are like eating at an airport. There’s trash fast food that kills you, and a flavorless turkey wrap that isn’t what anybody actually wants.

We need Whitmer, Nessel, and Secretary of State Benson to protect us here in Michigan from the GQP and their fucking army of idiots.  

If I remember law school correctly, Roe flowed directly from the logic of Griswold, and I’m struggling to think of any coherent rationale that would overturn Roe but leave Griswold intact.

They are on a path directly leading to States allowing slavery, again. It is the right of states to craft any law about anything regardless of any federal law apparently according to Republicans.

I fucking hate this goddamn country. I loathe the ineptitude and cowardice of the Democrats, but I guess I have to keep fucking voting for them. Fuck. Nothing matters. Nothing means anything. Why the fuck even bother?

“The contraceptive mentality is what fuels the bloodthirsty abortion industry in our country.”

I have said for years that they would gun for Griswold after Roe. This, as well as the fact that none of these motherfuckers knew the name of the case, is not surprising. After Griswold, then Loving, then Brown.

I wonder which GOP fuck will publicly say that Loving v Virginia was incorrectly ruled and marriage between the races should be a state’s rights issue? Because we all know it’s coming — and probably before the 2024 election.

Start pulling commercial licenses from the companies who have trucks there. Lay criminal charges against the drivers, so they can’t cross border drive any more. Then if any more of the shitheels want to continue the occupation, turn on the water cannons this weekend when its -20c.

Posting a Daily Mail link means you lose.

Many of the pussy truckers have children in the cabs of their trucks.  Can you imagine what a lowlife you have to be to use your kids as human shields?

It’s pretty clever really, when you consider the truckers want to end “man dates”...

Police are never powerless. If they aren't doing something, it's because they don't want to.