
Shut up, The Meg.

Organized religion is fucking stupid, antiquated and it’s sheep/followers are dangerous 

So you are saying he is a Stark? ;)

“...Trumpers don’t even care about the mental gymnastics any more...”

Nice try, dumbass, but omicron wasn’t “picked” - it was next. That’s how alphabets work. (Extra points deducted for your hackneyed adjective choice. “Communist”? C’mon, man! You’re really going to need to up your game a bit.)

What an idiot. You need to spend some time in a hospital to really see what is going on. Maybe all those dying people are faking it?

He’s still mulling a presidential run in 2024

did t***pers EVER care about mental gymnastics LOL? apart from cognitive dissonance, at which you gotta admit they excel. Like you said, he’s garbage but “successful” garbage (in their eyes), and powerful, and he spent the last 4-5 years telling garbage as bad or worse than he is that they’re fucking awesome; you have

I know there’s zero chance of this happening, but I hope deep down Biden has had his own epiphany of just how far gone ~40% of the population and an entire political party is, and he’s just like “you’ve been warned to get the shot, people are dying, but if you’d rather die to spite me and my party and to please Dear

Maybe I’m giving his followers too much credit, but I imagine they are seeing all this evidence: their ‘leaders/TV personalities/etc. are all getting the vaccine and thousands of unvaccinated people are dying daily. But they’ve already committed so far to the anti-vaxx BS that to admit they were wrong would hurt their

It’s fine to go there: most people are irredeemable idiots. And Trump is an idiot’s idea of a successful businessman, so they believe he knows what he’s talking about. Toss in the permission he gives his idiot followers to be virulently bigoted to anyone and everyone they don’t like and you have the perfect storm of

There are a large number of people, and I don’t think it’s even necessarily based on intelligence, who are just predisposed to believe people when they speak with confidence. I’m a lawyer, and I have seen so many people who just constantly bullshit but do it loud and proud, and have seen so many people that fall for

Most of the Trumpers I know, if confronted with evidence that he is actually trying to take America down, would simply smile and say "yep".

I’ve posted elsewhere, but Trumpers don’t even care about the mental gymnastics any more. It’s become pretty clear that Trumpers are the worst the US has to offer and Trump gave them the okay to act/believe/behave that way. As soon as Trump goes against that, they can discard Trump.

Just looking at the header picture reminded me of how much better life has been since I no longer have to see or read about him anymore but when I read the pull quote, I thought the exact same thing as you. That is precisely the right way to mentally manipulate people into changing their minds.

I’ll never, ever understand how there are people unable to see right through this piece of shit’s fraudulent lies, bullshit and schemes. And, I don’t want to just assume or state that most people are idiots.’s getting more and more difficult to not go there.  He’s just so clearly stupid and lying to

Preface: I hate the guy, he’s awful, and he is no doubt the harbinger of the end of American Democracy (or the final nail in the coffin, at least), that said. . .

Once again, Donald Trump has a better understanding of how to persuasively frame messaging than the entire Democratic Party, which is currently using,

I just thought that’s what tourists naturally did

I haven’t looked at a map or anything to confirm, but the more reasonable parts of Michigan can become part of Canada if there's no other option when you break up the U.S. It’s okay with me.

Yeah, and Jews weren’t all that big on dating Nazis y’know.