
My money is on running up on Pelosi with dynamite strapped to her body.

Poor white trash stick up convenience stores to get meth money and fight each other in Walmart. She’s a middle class suburban white woman. Just crazier than usual.

Exactly. Congresswoman Mace wasn’t sympathy for what she went through and to be protected from MTG but doesn’t have sympathy for women who haven’t been raped. This like choosing to sleep in bed with a poisonous snake.

But Nancy continues to be a member of the party that embraces MTG and only supports reproductive rights to women she empathizes with as a rape victim?

Firespray is just the model name of his ship, like Trans-Am or Mustang. There was a funny Robot Chicken bit where Lando compliments Boba on his ship, but adds “gotta say I’m not lovin’ the name.”

Dude, that was Chuck Cunningham! He famously went upstairs in season two of Happy Days... and never came back down.

I used to be the caretaker for an apartment block in an old neighbourhood east of the river in my old city. I loved the neighbourhood, even though it was rough and old. The river was literally on our doorstep, and two separate(but equally stupid) families of eagles timeshared a nest right nearby. In short, it was

No one is more dangerous than someone who truly believes they were chosen by god to do something. 

Let’s do away with this idea that you need to “hit the gym” to find companionship.  Fat/out of shape people fuck all the time.  If you’re a piece of shit getting in shape just makes you an in-shape piece of shit.

Wouldn’t mind a short featuring Q and Sisko shooting the shit about what it’s like to be gods. 

They last cared in the 20th century, basically before 9/11.

The Thin Blue Skin

Did the cops and unions ever even acknowledge that they were subsequently immune to COVID after drinking said bleach? I mean, c’mon, silver lining there!


I would watch the shit out of Machete Kills the Mansons.

“is that a 5 foot python firmly latched onto your groin, or are you just haaaAAA OH GOD OH MY GOD WTF”

Just came here to say “I have had with these motherfucking snakes in my motherfucking drain”.

Absolutely how that reads. Here’s your star.

I was a little embarrassed for you when I saw those Blu e-cig ads, but I didn’t do interviews about it, Steve.