
Cool. Now that we’re “over” covid, we’re expected to go back to working slave wages, no benefits, no vacation time, no raises and needing to work multiple jobs to make ends meet? Fuck this country, fuck the union-busting bullshit and fuck billionaires. 

May she become the next Ann Richards. Also, I’d love to meet her parents. Bravo! 

Or stays and tries to make it a better place for all women. 

I served with a mossy rock. That mossy rock was a friend of mine. You, sir, are no mossy rock!*

With all the anger you’re expressing one can hope you have an aneurism . Even with the incoherent bullshit you said, you crackas will never get it and you sound ignorant.

Johnson & Johnson in the Johnson?

Counterpoint: gravity only works on Manchin if a Democrat and Republican simultaneously pushes him down stairs.

She should put her mask on so her hands are free to push Joe Manchin down the stairs.

They should arrest her for her sentence structure.

Nah, you just talked yourself into a national divorce, which is perfectly okay.

I think this thing between Cheney and Trump can be smoothed out.  Her dad just needs to invite him hunting.

I feel like you have to separate the sequels at this point. Your description of the sequels is spot on for Force Awakens and Rise, but not at all the case for The Last Jedi. That movie was definitely not giving the fans what they want.

A lot of people forget the prequels are children’s movies (like to originals).

Really? They can do that? THEY SHOULD DO THAT.

Rebels introduced a [heavy sigh] time travel plot device to rescue Ashoka Tano from her climactic battle with Vader, so there’s no reason they couldn’t undo the whole Resistance trilogy.

The only surprising part of this story is that this guy isn’t from Florida.

Please elaborate on these methods, if only for my entertainment.

Ditto. I remember the narrative around her at the time - all the talk was about her and what a “slut” she was and I remember hearing nothing about Solomon at the time (um, it takes two to tango?). The tape he chose to release was 100% her responsibility, somehow.

I starred this in the spirit of bipartisanship.

Well here we can see him Fucking Around, and apparently he’s been arrested and his boss’s boss (Brig. Gen. Milford Beagle Jr) is a Black dude who’s very pissed, so it looks like he is imminently about to Find Out.