
no they would steer the rescue ship in the path of the lifeboats to capsize them because “taking personal responsibility for their situation.”

Yeah she’s not winning any points from Republicans. I guess MAYBE they’d move from “kidnap and kill her” to “kidnap, give fake trial, find her guilty, and kill her”. But this is just nonsense. Personal responsibility is exactly why we’re in this fucking mess a year later. All the maga asshats rely on US to have

Sure but it’s not her fucking fault the state Supreme Court removed her ability to make emergency declarations without approval from the state legislature. She literally can’t do as you suggest without convincing a bunch of conservative Republican dumbasses to go along with it, which isn’t going to happen.

I read this elsewhere:

99 years in castles, 8-days of national mourning and all because he dicked a princess and raised some simpletons ... what a fucking world

They tried their damndest on january 6th 2021.

Those “rebel” right-wingers would elect themselves a king/emperor/dictator in a heartbeat. 

Fox News is the mascot of the party that jizzes itself at the mention of the Boston Tea Party, Paul Revere etc. Yet they are cosplaying as imperialists now because they get a chance to shit on some black people. Ain’t racism wild?

But it’s still reasonable to think we can use less of the stuff.

Remember that Newt also once suggested that schools should be able to fire their custodial staff and have students cover their duties as a way to stretch budgets rather than increase funding to education.

Can’t wait for that dude to die

Mike Rowe’s Dirtiest Job:  Oil Propagandist

Of course he’s not going to apologize. He’s going to try to weasel his way out of another controversy, because he’s a know-it-all, know-nothing bald turd boy. 

Hell, listening to that music is the only way I can get an ere ... you know, I think I’ve said too much.

Someone needs to feed Matt Gaetz to The Mangler. Just read Night Shift again, so it was on my mind.

The only Q that matters

I like daydreaming about what I’d do if I won the lottery.

I gotta say that when you’re a Democrat from Ohio and you’re on TV the caption will read (D-OH) and all I can think of is Homer Simpson.

This is completely ridiculous and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Typical lib sheeple. Totally distracted by this fluff while the real issues are how Antifa and BLM have castrated Mr. Potatohead and the classic books of Dr. Seuss have been ripped out of our children’s hands! None of this...none!... would’ve happened if Gawd’s Chosen One hadn’t been betrayed by Judas Pence!