
I haven't been a teen in 20 years but I recall those years being a maddening time of doing everything it took to fit in with the majority. If you were openly anything but popular you were shunned and teens usually don't intentionally try to be shunned by their peers.

I could care less what genitals someone was born with, if they take the urinal next to me I still won’t be able to pee.

Also Rand Paul is not a real doctor. He started his own certification board and self-certified. That’s why people on that “board” are all related to him.

Sounds like someone needs their neighbor to beat the shit out of them again...

I’m glad to hear lung cancer has won its battle with Rush Limbaugh.

Maybe. Went to. William Shatner. School. Of. Acting.

So bombers are just insecure and disenchanted? Who knew? Pretty sure I hear this exact same apologist language whenever some incel POS guns down the women who won’t sleep with him. Candy glass has nothing on the disillusioned white man, apparently. If it’s that hard not to pick up a gun when our feefees get hurt,

Things should get “interesting” for Hawley considering our incoming Attorney General worked on the Oklahoma City bombing...

Kellyanne is 54! If I didn’t know better I’d mistake her for a lot lizard, who knew when they left they “anti-” off her aging cream, they meant it.

I’ve never seen a 16yo that looks like a 30yo wine aunt. Freaky...

That’s a hard 16. Life must be stressful in the Conway home.

Come on, man. Her own name is McKinli. Poor kid never had a chance in hell with that gene pool.

Just because it gets hard again doesn’t make the memories of hearing “is it in?” go away.

The heart wants what the heart wants, but I hope this guy understands that, one way or another, he is not marrying into money.

Yeah, but he had his property surrounded by fences, surveillance cameras, and possible trip-wires. Things that totally innocent people do all the time.

I’ll still never understood how we selected a guy who likes sniffing children’s hair over someone who actually acts upon their convictions. To be clear, glad Trump is gone... but Biden’s already backpedaling on the whole college loan thing. Kudos to Sanders. Your title is spot-on.

The men, who allegedly planned to kidnap the governor in retaliation for covid-19 restrictions,

I put even odds on Glenn Greenwald and Tucker Carlson doing a segment asserting that the undercover FBI agent entrapped these guys who would never have actually put together a real plot to kidnap Whitmer without goading by Deep State FBI types.

The details inside Slave 1 were so damn cool.  It’s still incredible that Boba Fett is here and has had probably more screen time than in the movies already.  It hasn’t hit me fully.  Maybe after the season and we can all reflect.