
it got worse

jeebus forgiveness gets you out of hell, it doesnt work for jail, or so the bible says

The Ricker

Call him Ricky because he hates it.

My female friends hate it when they walk by a construction site and the workers there yell things like, “Hey, did you know that Adams passed the sedition Act of 1798 that prohibited the publication of false, scandalous, and malicious writing about the President and Congress, but deliberately omitted the Vice

Let this be a lesson to our causes, it takes ruthlessness to gain and maintain power. Our enemy is looking for every advantage at every moment.

You buried the lede. The real story is: “Ricky Schroder Has $150,000.”

Corn, beans and squash?

He used shoe polish.

Zorg was a competent evil fucker. It took a perfect being to defeat him.

I’m concerned he was on national TV.

The Mayor of 9/11" to “The 9/11 of Mayors”

I think you mean Trump’s A-hole team.

Only the best people!

Actually, that’s a merkin...

More like the Spray Team. Here’s another longtime member.

Trump’s A-Team!

For those of you concerned that Giuliani was bleeding on national television