
I voted for her once and will again, but she’s been dealt a shit hand with curtailing of her emergency powers. The gerrymandered to fuck and back state legislature are willfully anti science and would vote against extra lifeboats on the Titanic if a democrat wanted them.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles take issue with you placing her in their neighborhood. The Sewer Urchin also objects.

MAGA/Q tears are my new kink.

If she had told those redneck cops he was smoking a joint in that RV, the SWAT team would have been there in five minutes. 

Call him Ricky because he hates it.

You forgot how Jeebus has forgiven him, so you have to as well.

And because they’re all racist pieces of shit, I feel compelled to toss in: “I love it when it when a Klan comes together.”

That’s a low bar.

There’s also Caesar’s Windsor, where he doesn’t have to tell the IRS about his winnings as long as he crotches the cash when driving back across the border. He impresses me as the kind of dick who views taxation as theft and would totally do it to avoid paying taxes on a hundred bucks spat out of a slot machine.

He’s from a little town called Wyandotte and can drive across the Canadian border in thirty minutes. I’d bet good money that’s the extent of his international travel.

There aren't enough stars in the galaxy for this comment.

The basement was also imaginary.

Hard to imagine a guy living in a vacuum shop affording membership dues at a gym.

Hell, I’ll roll us each a joint (no passing,covid) to burn out in the parking lot before we head inside.

Thanks a lot, mom. Guess I’ll just go murder your enemies for you or whatever. I HATE THIS FAMILY!

Maybe the boytoy gives her a raging case of herpes/ genital warts? You gotta be creative here.

“Your father will never love you no matter how much you try”. So spot on. If this was 1988 and I was back in wood shop, I’d make the human coke booger up there a plaque that said just that during the wood burning portion of the class.

Pizza grease is my essential oil.