
He's not a part of any news organization. He's just a dipshit with a website. He's got advertisers, so he can afford a set and more than one camera which gives his youtube postings a more polished look, but he's not a member of the press that's beholden to anything remotely resembling journalistic standards.

I would totally watch the Hot Pie and Sam Tarly show. They could have a restaurant where Sam would dig up exotic recipes from the citadel’s cookbooks and Hot Pie would bring them to life in the kitchen. It would practically write itself.

Alright, here's your capt.jerk smoked too much weed during the rewatch theory: Arya learns how to steal a whitewalker face, shows up to the final battle, sidles up next to the night king and merc's him with whatever it is Gendry is making for her. Fin.

Yeah, well, I’m the monster who really enjoyed Solo. So, cheers, and can you spare a shoelace so I can tie off and get a vein to pop?

Now you’re cooking with gas!

Have you not heard of the great patriot and founding father Jedidiah Springfield? For shame!

Not to be Buzz Killington over here but, two words that would suck all the joy out of that : President Pence. I’ll show myself out.

Or, conversely, you could go fuck yourself.

Your hands are going to get really fucking sore.

I love the loyalty of the dipshit in the last tweet. Even after the beating he just took, he still wants to let the GOP take another crack at his taxation. It’s like watching a guy with emphysema push his oxygen mask aside so he can light up a fresh Marlboro.

Babies’ skulls are still kinda soft and if you don’t rotate ‘em, they get flat spots.” My grandma truly believed this and passed it down. It’s what I think of when I see a person that looks like this.

I'm not a fan of violence or bullying, but somebody needs to give that smug little shit a wedgie and stuff him in a locker.

In fairness to teenagers, I’d have to be stoned out of my gourd, baked as a cake, and high as a giraffe’s ass to sit through an entire meal with that asshole.

Fuck that, I want a candidate that Faux News hasn’t spent a decade spewing propaganda about and that idiots won’t be easily convinced is evil. I say we steal a page from the right-wing playbook and go with a celebrity with high name recognition, but that isn’t a moron and a shitty business person like Trump. It’s time

Yeah, I want single payer health care and a thousand white supremacist scalps, thanks.

If this is what being “Great Again” looks like, I’ll pass.

I hate to admit it, but I thought (and hoped) they were going to propose hosting the next Republican National Convention.

Stephen King has already vowed his full support, both monetary and campaigning, to any candidate that runs against her if she votes to confirm Kavenaugh. He’s got a buck or two to spend and is enormously popular in Maine.

Sometimes in life we need a motherfucker who's willing to punch assholes in the face.

All “They Live” references get a star!