If they don’t like it, they have plenty of safe spaces they can go back to.
If they don’t like it, they have plenty of safe spaces they can go back to.
And on the spiritual side we present The Narcissist’s Prayer:
Which makes me fear for her:
Kellyanne Conway is one of the most gifted political operatives the modern world has known.
Just imagine being so rich that when someone asks you if you donated 200 million dollars you’re all “Idk maybe”.
Almost everyone I know in Indiana hates Mike Pence (he’s quite the shitty governor) but at least half of them voted Trump/Pence. I know a lot of stupid people.
In defense of 1776's candidacy for greatness, Americans WERE killing wealthy landowners who colluded with hostile foreign powers in 1776.
Donald Trump’s plan to ban gun-free school zones
I think we finally identified the period when America was “great”: 1776, when the states were largely autonomous and the federal government didn’t even have the power to issue a national currency. They’re sticking a paper clip in America and forcing a hard reset. This time without pesky Thomas Jefferson and his…
The per capita cost to educate a special needs child is often two or three times that of gen-ed students. If the federal mandate were removed, I’m sure most states would cheerfully continue to provide that crucial (and it IS crucial) funding. And I say this as a high school SpEd teacher.
It’s going to be interesting to see how Fox and the alt-right spin this one given the Wikileaks connection. How many mutually contradictory positions can they hold at one time?
“...only understanding their own incredibly narrow perspective on it.”
That is my favorite. I didn’t trust Hillary. You voted for a man that was being sued for fraud! In what world is a man being sued for fraud more trustworthy than anyone?
She’s absolutely right. Most of these plaintive calls to “understand” Trump voters seem to come from liberal white males. The most infuriating post in my Facebook feed was by a white male journalist, who said that using the terms “mansplaining” and “whitesplaining” were the kind of divisive rhetoric that was driving…
I just now read a comment somewhere from a guy who said that Trump saved his job, because apparently his company was going to do layoffs and then Trump was elected and now they changed their minds about layoffs. Now, he didn’t say anything about Trump intervening at all, he just seems to think that anything good that…
I think you’re right about liberals lacking energy. And I say that as someone who is totally complicit in that. I’ve been thinking a lot about this lately and one of the things I’ve discovered is that I just take for granted the fact that good people believe the same things I do. Like, “of course black lives matter”,…
You obviously meant Obamacare. The ACA was what replaced it, and that’s still totally going to be around.
And that’s the worst part for me: nobody went “crazy.” The people of Germany didn’t have a collective psychological episode where they blacked out and woke up to find that, with the connivance of large segments of almost every other European country, they’d somehow slaughtered millions of innocent people.
Hello! It’s me, Steve Harvey. I do government now. Will this bode well for our country?
I don’t see him as a legitimate President either. Thank you Rep. Lewis for your continued bravery.