I think not only “how can this even be real” but “how do all these people decide to support him in these incoherencies, don’t ever speak out against the clear lunacy of any of it, and then go on to attempt to gaslight the listeners about all of it”.
I think not only “how can this even be real” but “how do all these people decide to support him in these incoherencies, don’t ever speak out against the clear lunacy of any of it, and then go on to attempt to gaslight the listeners about all of it”.
As far as I’m concerned, Sam Bee wears the ring that rules them all. Sharpest, hardest-hitting, most innovative. She should have gotten Jon Stewart’s show, but it’s probably a gift that she didn’t - look at her now! She’s totally free to do her own style rather than that old-style desk interview format.
His response also managed to disarm her into a laugh because he could see her defenses were going up.
YES. This is why I was so taken with Lauren Duca’s response to Tucker Carlson badgering her in that well-publicized interview a few weeks back — she just laughed in his face. It deflates them like nothing else. And then you see the bully come out — hear Conway hissing “Not true! Unfair!” while Myers is speaking.
The fact that he can sit there and laugh is perfect too, because it’s what is expected of him and is extremely damaging to their argument and to their mind frame as a whole. No one on Trump’s team are people who don’t mind being laughed at, so the ability to both shut them down and essentially say “lol k” at the same…
“That’s not true.”
I’ve been justifying it to myself by thinking we can mitigate evil, but we can’t mitigate crazy evil.
If Trump’s cabinet goes with him, it could be worth it.
Hookers? Don’t care.
Thing is we get a Pence presidency either way. Trump just wants to hold rallies and let Pence do everything else. Getting rid of Trump at least alleviates some of my existential terror. (I’ve never had a dream involving a nuclear explosion in my life . . . until a few nights ago.)
Plz America not let titillation/LOL factor of prostitutes and golden showers distract and overtake from the treason and corruption kthnxbai.
Russia has been cultivating Trump for at least five years
It’s been my experience that whenever someone calls a woman bitchy who has stated a strong and well reasoned point of view, it’s because they do not.
“Don’t be bitchy,” “you should be smart enough...” “calm down,” willful obtuseness, and “ooooh why so serious??”
And made an ass out of you! : )
P.S. The next time you are so shocked at receiving a “bitchy” response, you might want to check yourself first. You: “I think that you are giving Hillary Clinton a break because you relate to her and like her and you don’t give Kushner a break because you don’t relate to him or like him.” You don’t know shit about me…
Good try, but you need to come with something for Kushner. What’s wrong? Can’t find anything?
Star for “guy who sews in his hair”
I also think there is a need to take into account the gender issues that were much more at play with the Clintons. I come from kind of a similar background (minus the Presidency of course!). My parents were both extremely politically active, deeply involved in civil rights and particularly poverty issues. They were a…