Cap'n Morgan

Hey, I don't make the rules. Who can fathom the ways of the Dark Side?

Sorry mate, Sith fans celebrate on 5 May. Revenge of the Fifth!

Yvan eht nioj.

Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Ruins of Enemy Castles

And why do we never see them in the same room at the same time?

Of course, the ad agency will tell us that there was nothing in there to suggest it was a BLM rally, it's just a protest of the sort all the kids are into these days, and that we should all lighten up and just enjoy their delicious beverage.

And famous for what, exactly? Being famous, of course!

The only reason to name a child 'Ireland' is if you want them to grow up full of potatoes, whiskey, and Catholicism.

Thank the gods, the universe would have disappeared into a vortex of entropy had someone not uttered that punchline. The balance is now restored.

Yeah, that seemed excessive even back then. You can have too much McClure.

I saw Reptilicus when i was eight years old, and even then I knew the effects were crappy. But God, what a terrific movie to riff on!

1421, on the other hand, is absolute dross.

Get Dr Sarah Parcak onto it - she reads satellite maps like nobody else.

Sorry, a football.

Maybe from the Greek 'zeta'? Greek letter 'p' is pronounced 'pee', after all.

That depends. Did you go to a Catholic school?

And wasn't that the stuff of nightmare?

That Reaper can be a real asshole sometimes.

Seven evil exes.

"Now I can say it was in self defense!"