Cap'n Morgan

But her EMAILS!!!!

That’s Bill Clinton.

Ah, I see that someone else is familiar with the unfortunate Carlos.

Even later than that.

I’m complaining. Mostly because I’m old.

Aaaaaand… the payoff.

Well, technically white…

It's a traditional white people custom to sacrifice their king at times like this, so the Sky Wolf doesn't eat the Father Sun. Just saying.

Congratulations, America, you have three more years of this fucking guy.

Bran is above such petty considerations. He's also a twat.

"The Battle on the Ice" - it worked for Alexander Nevski.

So, not so much autocorrect as actual education.

Are you kidding? He's the Donald Trump of people!

And the GOP reps and Senators will continue to tut-tut at their figurehead's ridiculous excesses, but they'll rationalise it with remarks like "I think what the President was trying to say was…".

Bran knows, Littlefinger now knows that he knows, so in the interests of his own safety, this weasel who's never led an army or even fought a battle (and who somehow commands the unswerving loyalty of a bunch of armoured nobles for whom honour and glory are meat and drink) had better get packing. I can't believe that

A 40kg Warhammer…?

For some reason he has more say in the Vale than any actual noble from that region.

I was thinking more like "I know you sold out my dad, I know you threw my aunt out of the Moon Door, and I know you delivered my sister into the hands of a torturing rapist. You now know that I know, so unless you plan on stabbing me now, you better run. My little sister is back and she's way less understanding than I

Yep, my thoughts exactly. Apparently that stretch of water between the shore and the rocks twenty yards out is as deep as the Marianas Trench.

You mean Chekov's Valyrian Steel Dagger?